Are you guys ready for the saddest scene in part 2? when it finally comes out in five years
Are you guys ready for the saddest scene in part 2? when it finally comes out in five years
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somehow I get the feeling they'll save Dyne, gotta subvert them expectations
Try part 3. There is going to be even more massive bloat between Midgar and Gold Saucer.
I think you're setting your hopes too high.
A ton of shit is going to get cut in the next two parts, and yes, the entire game is going to be three episodes.
I think you're both wrong, I feel like the game is gonna be wildly different and gonna make it's own story instead of trying to follow the story beats of FF7
Yeah, make it's own awful story.
Yea pretty much
I mean if they don't, then what was the point of the spooky time jannies and Sephiroth showing up all the time?
>I feel like the game is gonna be wildly different and gonna make it's own story instead of trying to follow the story beats of FF7
>A ton of shit is going to get cut in the next two parts
How does this contradict what I said?
I'm ready for Dyne to survive yeah
My question is if they wanted to make a totally new story why didn't they just... make a totally new story? This seems like a stupid ass middle ground, they want to do something new but they're too afraid of another 13 or 15 backlash so they used already established fan favorites as vehicles for their new thing. Because everyone already likes Cloud, as long as he's present they can't hate whatever wacky bullshit they come up with right?
>implying you'll get that far in part 2.
that I mean they won't cut a ton of shit (implying some of the original story will be left over), I mean that I think they're gonna cut EVERYTHING
>The gang talks him out of his murder spree
>He repents after a cool fight and is about to join
>Ghost throw him off a fucking cliff
I laughed because that is entirely plausible.
my body is ready but my heart is not
>oh no muh barely fleshed out friend of token black guy
would be if we didn't kill the ghosts
>implying any of the original story matters after Episode 1
There won't even be an open field. Travel between areas will happen as scripted events because it's going to follow the exact same format as Episode 1, except with even more made up bullshit and even less of the original game's structure.
Nomura can't stand killing characters off which is why Sakaguchi was in charge of FF7 and not Nomura.
Barrett is an example of a person who's been fucked over by Shinra and it's affected him to a poisonous degree. Wutai should've been that but they had their balls cut off and are now compliant, plus Barrett offers a more personal touch. Barrett was only a few steps away from being Dyne. The only thing that separated the two was the fact that one had Marlene to take care of and the other didn't. Marlene is the only reason Barrett has even the vague opportunity to be a better man. But you need a character like Barrett to represent the groups of people who have been crushed by Shinra's absolutely insane world domination and their complete disinterest in protecting the people that are beneath them. Especially since Yuffie is too silly to fill the role, Cloud and Vincent's ire are aimed at 2 specific people, Tifa is too focused on Cloud, Aeris is too focused on reconnecting with her heritage, and Cait Sith is our only mouthpiece for being a good man trapped in an evil organization.
Barret will die as originally planned, Dyne joins the party in his place.
Cid could easily take that role.
This. Junon alone will be its own fucking game at this rate.
Story wise, all of the gold saucer stuff will be there.
Minigames and other stuff... Either DLC or time-gating like XV was with their festival
I seriously expect the Jenova fight inside the ship to be the final boss of the next game, so pretty much this.
Wouldn't be surprised if the events on the ship get escalated from a mysterious murder to full-blown Genocyber 2 (don't pretend you didn't watch it)
>when it finally comes out in five years
That's pretty optimistic there.
well, if that turns to be the case, they will learn that not even the fan favourite characters can "save" shit writing
>I know this because my dad works at squareenix
It took me an hour and a half to get to Wall market in the original. In Remake it took me 5x as long. With the bloat remake had I don’t see them doing this at all or until part 10
Thank god they're using unreal engine and not their inhouse shit that makes their games take forever to be developed.
All you have to do is look at the corners they cut with 7R to realize that an open world Episode 2 is not in the works. The whole reason they derailed the story is so that they don't have to commit to re-creating the whole game.
I blame all the cutscenes and chores you have to do with Aerith/Tifa/Jessie, the love interests that Cloud isn't interested in.
What? Why? Cid has a grudge against Shinra but only because they stole his dream. Getting laid off is not the same level of hatred as having your family murdered and your town burned down in a false flag operation that only existed to squeeze an extra dollar out. Or rather Gil.
The golden saucer will be steamlined to only be story events and a dlc will be released with the side fun of the golden saucer.