How the fuck do I get good at Risk of Rain 2? I keep fucking dying in the later stages

How the fuck do I get good at Risk of Rain 2? I keep fucking dying in the later stages
Playing Mercenary

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unlock the good skills and learn what items benefit you.
inb4 >I can't do the lunar challenge without taking damage
there was a really good challenge yesterday and if you didn't try to unlock that skill you just suck lmao

If you die as Merc you just straight up suck. Learn your i frames.

stop playing and advancing so slow

What are the good skills?

ded game

host when


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It just needs more content. The devs are just slow as fuck

I've been playing daily for like 6 or so hours a day, I'm a little burnt out.

>go buzzsaw memebuild MULT with command for shits n giggles
>after a few loops get bored
>time to olibterate
>entire time i had no feathers only go fast hooves and energy cans
>can no longer obliterate because platforming is impossible at this speed

I'm sure you could just run towards the pillar, or drive by and you'll get there without a single jump

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anyone want starstorm host?


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you can do the platforming at base speed, just use the appearing rocks, especially with mult's zoom mode

>10 sodas
>15 hooves
>21 focus crystals
>11 ukuleles
>18 soldier syringes
>10 predatory instincts
>10 lens-maker's glasses


what artifacts aside from command?

>farm in the void
>30 focus crystals
>legendary item that gives you 3 punches because more punches means more fun
>10 ice band
>10 fire band
>10 glasses
>whatever amount of scythes
>whatever amount of other items
>1 shot bosses and every enemy until many hahahahahahaha levels

the one that makes monsters drop items if you want to farm in void, gold statue area, or artifact area

Time advances in the void tho

It hasn't since the artifact update.

please sir i'll take anything ror1

it doesn't anymore in this patch

What the fuck is up with Monsoon? I just got back into the game after a few months to see the new stuff and it's hard as fuck now. I keep getting one-shotted by fucking filler scrubs like no tomorrow. And the artifacts suck too. What the fuck happened? The game looked so good.

I'd host SS + Turbo Edition, but i'm currently testing if it still crashes.

git gud

leaf is broken as fuck with mk rockets and sticky bombs
t.merc 3h

Back on my bullshit

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you suck dick

hopoo is a faggot and a hack and every update he releases makes the game worse