What do you do with the next Doom game when Eternal's gone up to fucking 11?

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Go to 12

Guess that's as far as you'll ever get.

Remove the dumbass platforming?

more hell priests obviously because that was just a fantastic part of the game what are you talking about

find the best doom modders and hire them

it really wasnt that great

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Make it even more cringe reddit garbage. maybe have (politically correct) multiple player characters or have vega be a physical manifestation with you for the whole game like that reddit quote robot in borderlands
have like an epic lord of the rings cringe battle with 1000 le doom slayaz fighting the eil armies of hell commanded by that robot alien queen who was resurrected by the kar en kuk argent de sentinel night shit. god i fucking hate what they did to doom so much, it's the biggest disappointment of the year for me and i shudder to think what the dlc is going to be like let alone a sequel to this garbage. I wish 2016 flopped hard so the series would end on a high note, well at least for like a decade before it inevitably got revived again

This, and change up the formula away from arena - hallway - arena. There are things to improve.

I want my base movement speed to be much faster. Doomguy barely moves faster than the master chief when you're not dashing; it's fucking frustrating. like a car that won't get up to speed.

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