post the very first and last thing that happens in a game.
Yas Forums tries to guess it.
>find a baby
>defeat a giant baby
Post the very first and last thing that happens in a game
Also I'm trans and that's relatteeedd :)
>Wake up
>Wake up
>Die in an explosion
>Die in an explosion
>bad dream
>detective drives you home
>get beat up by a dude pretending to be another dude
>kill dude
>Get on a plane
>Go to an orphanage
I am to kill of the HUNT DOWN FREE MAN
Prototype 2
>Be interrogated
>Sequel hook that goes nowhere
>go to the beach
>wake up as your servant
>get a letter from your grandpa about free real estate
>send some dumb ass a letter about free real estate
Hunt Down The Freeman
Silent Hill: Homecoming?
>leave your village
>kill God
Wow, yeah
Close and yet offensively incorrect.
>come late for work
>kill a really ugly baby
lol it's SH3 right
Darkest Dungeon.
Persona 5
>A shot of a wedding that never actually happens
>ask your double dead boyfriend if you should go
>lose your job
>get beaten up by a crippled old man
>you met a pal in a bar in a middle of fucking nowhere
>your ex girlfriend becomes a super saiyan
I just remember going home to Harry in that game.
half life
>steal from a hotel
>shoot a cripple
That's like the second act, from the mall to the subway to the office buildings you're going home, then you do and then you go to silent hill with douglas, who survives and drives you home at the end
>investigate a village problem AGAIN
>kill the devil AGAIN
>get sent to Earth
>humanity was already dead since long before you came
Crash through a window
Shoot a man, or don't
too easy
Link's Awakening
>arrive at hospital
>leave hospital
Yoshi's island
>wake up in the morgue
>go to war forever
>test a fancy plane for the government
>convince a government agent to kill himself
>God catches a bullet and flies away
>God catches a bullet and flies away
Neir A
Evil Within
You accidentally fall to the abyss
You willingly fall to the abyss
>Wake up on a island
>Run after a dog
>help some villagers beat some bandits and what not
>become the emperor of ice
>stolen food
>heavy is the head that wears the crown
die to be sent out of place you died into
Warcraft 3?
>Fish gets kidnapped
>Fish returned
>Darkest Dungeon
cars 2?
>get almost killed at your job
>press a button
>push car in desert
>president died
>president did it
Finding Nemo?