Favorite okay/mediocre games?

Everything is either the biggest piece of shit of all time, or the greatest thing ever. What are some of your favorite just okay games?

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Is that an actual thing or just a coomer character?

I love oneechanbara games even thoght they have obvious shortcomings

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I thought it was from Apex but I think it's just an OC.

Same with Senran Kagura. I think most beat em ups fit the bill honestly. They're pretty shallow but they're simple, dumb fun.

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Is that ruiner? Man, as much as I love that character design, the game is just no fun to me. So boring

when you gotta go from one side of the station to the other through 3 loading screens that take 5 min each. Decent game but fucking hell.

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>5 minute loading screens
What the fuck, user. You playing on PS4 or something? I did too, shit was fucking horrifying especially when you run into Nightmare early on

It's a little better than an average JRPG and there's some obnoxious mechanics, but I like it.

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Kill yourself you fucking Redditor.

I'm honestly just glad it exists.

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Either OC or Lifeline from Apex

How is this? Had this as a kid when I had a ds(or emulated when i was younger) but didn't finish it cause it got kinda repetitive despite being cool and flashy

This shit was hard fuck but ultimately it was the god damn random battles that made me drop it.

Love the art style, themes, and presentation but the gameplay isn't really anything special besides a surprise shmup segment

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Far Cry 5 was good for a weekend game

that single picture looks more like cyberpunk then anything CDPR has shown in the last 6 years

Fuck off, retard

Thanks to this piece of shit I end playing all of Duke 3d every christmas

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I kinda find myself running this through every once in a while

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detroit become human was okay as fuck

This was a very okayish game that was playable and not entirely broken.

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He's right though. There really isn't that much good cyberpunk media the we need a game that subverts you expectations right now
Just give a good cyberpunk game in the style of Witcher 3

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It's really fucking the cute and fun but a bit too easy and the mood whiplash at the end is insane.

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The biggest problem I had with this game was that the exploration and loot was a bit too much. It's probably just my ocd but I spent way too long going back and forth trying to collect literally everything while also trying to conserve resources whenever I could. One of my friends started playing it recently and I told him about this and he didn't see it yet. Eventually he come to the same conclusion. It's probably just not for us.

Monster Lab is a fun game where you do minigames and battle other monsters to gain materials to make better monster parts and repeat the whole thing

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I understand each game is supposed to be a different archetype, but I really wish they made another game like 2. I loved that one.

Two Worlds is honestly a 3/10 outside of the multiplayer, but the power you can get out of magic and crafting tickles the 'tism real good.

Just finished this and the DLC, it would've been a really good early PS3 game

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Red Alert 3.
I played through all the campaigns and had some fun doing so, but couldn't get into the game the way I did previous C&C games.

Akiba's Trip was pretty fun definitely not a great game per se

It's an HL2 mod with very bland gameplay and level design so confusing you'll be forced to consult a guide several times. But, the atmosphere is insane and the scope is so grand (especially for a largely solo project) that it commands respect.

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