Trials of Mana: Saturday Densetsu 3

Are you loving it or are you loving it?

Post parties, progress and comfy stories

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>Are you loving it or are you loving it?
I'm woving it

>Hitting a duck monster with a tech attack

>Bil & Ben as Angela
Give me two seconds to actually cast a spell you fucks. Feels like I'm playing BLM in XIV.

I want to play through as riesz, duran and angela. In what order should I choose them to get the most challenging and amazing final boss or something?

Angela is the real superboss in this game.
Based and wedpiwwed.

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the best plotline is definitely the dragon king so go Duran, Angela Riesz

Okay. I played demo as Riesz, Duran and Angela because I didn't know what stuff the order affects. So it's worth to start again with this minor party order change?

looks like it's for diaper babies who love barney

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Charlotte a best

Holy shit, Dlitter dust is fucking insane.

Dunno why people say it's too easy on hard, the two bosses in Valencia castle made me work for my win.

>Do Kevin's story
>Demo ends
>Do Hawkeye's story
>get to Jedd
>Cool I can fight the beastmen let's g-


personally I think its always best to do story pairs, so yeah I'd restart since you're also taking Angela who is the female half of the story. Its only like half an hour anyway

because it is piss easy if you've ever played any other more serious action rpg

The Beastmen may not get as much spotlight as the ninjas or mages but they are definitely way more dangerous.

>Be Riesz
>challenge Beastman
>get knocked out and wake up in bed
makes me wonder if I got DOGGED or something

Ahhhh I haven't continued my playthrough since the demo yet because I have two other games I need to beat. I'm 3/4 of the way through Romancing Saga 3 and Xenoblade 1. Maybe I should just quickly beat Trials of Mana and go back to those games T_T

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Okay thank you, I don't mind starting again. Just didn't want to do it for nothing.

To me it's still too easy. I'm lvl 20, in that wind dungeon and so far nothing came even close to giving me trouble on hard. I really wish there was a very hard difficulty over this.

Dub Angela is the best fucking MC
She's genuinely annoyed by every quest and detour, but when push comes to shove she takes things seriously kicks ass

Don't rush things, finish those first.

Did you have to do the spirit quest in order in the original? I forget, I remember there being like stuff that stops you

dunno where that dick stroking is coming from. What action rpg are you even talking about, Ys or something? Those aren't that different in difficulty.


Since the last thread died before getting a response, how long is the game and how different are the multiple playthroughs with different parties? I am trying to decide between getting this or trying my luck with the Megaman Zero collection PC port.

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It really is. Between that and lucent beam+ spam, Light might just be the way to go with Angela. Though I'll have to try Dark out when play through Duran/Angela's story to see how it holds up.

If you're level 20 at the point, you're overleveled. You're supposed to be able to class up after beating the boss of that dungeon.

They require more coordination on your part especially on nightmare. Especially Oath or Origin where bosses not only are stronger, but learn new moves.

So Duran x Angela, Kevin x Charlotte and Hawkeye x Riesz are canon pairings?

about 20-25 hours a playthrough, you'll be much faster on a 2nd playthrough, 3 routes but countless party combinations and class builds

> So Angela's dad is the king from Duran's town right? Or at least, I remember that being the implication.

Why was the queen an austistic cunt that completely ignored her daughter (aside from lack of magic) and why did the King never care for his daughter if that was the case?

I'm usually seeing between 20-25 hours for anons who beat the game with one group. There's 3 final bosses and final dungeons depending on who you pick as main, not taking into account post game, and 6 post game scenarios for each character.

Could be, I like to explore and check every corner in every dungeon. I seriously doubt if I was like 3 levels lower I would have any harder time though. The enemies baerly ever even manage to land a hit on me in the first place.

How do I know what combination gives me a different route?

So I'm about to get this and I'm thinking of Hawkeye/Riesz/Kevin with dark/dark, light/dark, and dark/dark respectively. You think that will work bros?

The King didn't even know she existed until they met

Incase you didn't see it user since thread 404d right after I posted it

Runemasters itself is weak, 30% debuff resistance. It gets though in int 30% damage if enemy has a status ailment.

Also repeating my earlier question, anyone have the base power of ancient?

Light -> earth -> wind -> dark are linear. Then you must do water and fire (either order) before you can access moon, and moon before you can access wood. It's almost entirely linear.

Getting the full game files now. Probably gonna go through the demo first then apply the shit. Or does it not matter?

Like it or not, the excuse given if I remember right is that the queen was being slowly brainwashed to allow her own daughter to be used as a sacrifice by the red mage.

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I think they had a thing going in heroes, but it was never official, so he probably thought nothing came of it, since the mages are rather secluded. He probably didn't even know.

the first character you pick determines the route, so Duran/Angela, RIesz/Hawkeye, Kevin/Charlotte all share the same route, the rest of the party just gives banter

Huh, other characters do show up if they're not in your party.

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