Friendly reminder that turn-based "combat" only existed because of hardware limitations and is a relic of the past with no merit whatsoever.
Friendly reminder that turn-based "combat" only existed because of hardware limitations and is a relic of the past with...
turn based RPG are OK
as long as they don't use retarded AD&D rules made for rolling dice, which has no fucking place in video games
Nier and Yakuza are more braindead than your average turn-based game, though.
So then care to explain how video checkers should be played in real time?
come on man, who are you even fooling
But every era that has had turn based combat also had games with has also had action based gameplay. In fact I'm pretty sure action focused gameplay is older than turn based combat. How the hell can it be because of hardware limitations?
>shit tier
Menu based real time combat
>tolerable tier
Straight turn based combat
>ok tier
"Hackable" turn based combat à la Persona
>good tier
Real time combat
>god tier
Real time combat with the ability to pause and plan your moves
Don't even try to argue with this
Transistor was some good shit but I wish it had more length.
>Yakuza 7
If it's party based RPG my autism can only tolerate turn based and real time with pause, and if it's the latter it might as well be turn based because I pause about every time I want to perform new action anyways.
Turn based with action points is elder god tier.
I personally prefer action but both strategic and fast-paced gameplay have a place in the industry, dumb zoomer
Yeah, I started New Game + to fuck around some more but I didn't get finish it. They should definitely have put a longer end section where you have all the powers so you can experiment because of the built in incentives to change your build
Have you played Pyre? The pacing is basically perfect there
>roleplaying experience
Not RPGs most of the time. The existence of a stat system does not make a game an RPG. Most Japanese games under the name JRPG are not really RPGs. They have a stat system, and maybe a party system. But there is little roleplay if any. At best, you could say they're RPGlike. There is no real roleplaying to be found in those game. Little to no real decisions.
Grind is mostly a problem in MMO's or JRPG's in general. The solution is to give players experience points as needed so that can be at a minimal character level at a fixed point. If you've played Dark Souls for example in any serious capacity such as PvP, you'll definitely start grinding to make sure you have the gear you need. For example, you might grind to get the Baldur straight sword or some other gear that only shows up in drops. If you want to limit your NG+ level, you'd have to grind darkwraiths to get chunks and slabs so you can upgrade all your armor. Need to grind souls so you can stock up on grass and other items. Needed to grind humanities for invasions.
>cliche anime protagonist
Just another problem with JRPGs
>Gameplay is a glorified calculator
Versus spam attack button and move around.
FF Tactics is the only Final Fantasy game with good turn based combat because it's a solid translation of turn-based strategy tabletop games. Character placement and tactics actually matter and it's not just a matter of finding out the enemy's weakness and putting your stats against theirs.
The thing about tactics is that there is a lot less RPG to it because it's a turn based strategy game first and foremost, which makes sense. The RPG aspect of it is kind of an afterthought in the same way that the turn based combat is kind of an afterthought in the mainline FF games.
Not yet but I’ve heard good things about it and am planning to check it out soon. Bastion as well.
Lowest IQ post I've even seen on this board.
Wish there was more turn based strategy games.
So it's a Fire Emblem game made with Final Fantasy shit?
Someone should do a version of this with cloud and cloud.
This is actually pretty solid statement.
Basing a turn based system around percentages and stacks upon stacks of modifiers is terrible.
But based on strategy, choice and finding the 'least shit option' can be pretty great.
Reminder that P5R is GOTY 2020 and nothing you say will change that
I've started The Witcher and it's "Active Pause" feature is really interesting.
still better than any turn based game
not with this trash translation
Reminder that people who say this have never played any turn based games or strategy games and are constantly looking for 5000 APM games. Sometimes things take actual brain cells to play and aren’t just “I press the button once and I combine it with another button sometimes.” I’m not saying action RPGS are bad but saying that turn based combat is bad because it’s “slow and boring” is completely retarded. It’s called turn based for a reason.
At least turn-based games has you actually deciding whether or not you want to heal compared to Nier’s drop-down healing menus that you can use to bum rush through almost all encounters and piss poor enemy variety or Yakuza’s method of having you pause the game to heal with no consequences and having enemies just stand around while you wail on them.
Based real-time CHAD
I like playing both types
isn't yakuza more of a beat-em-up than an ARPG though?
>muh healing
Irrelevant when the gameplay is way better when it's real time.
Nice non-argument. And good to see that you haven’t argued my other points.
theres nothing wrong with turn based. things are lost and gained with the two systems. This is like make a chad and virgin version of nfl and ncca(football) whats the point they're both football(rpgs)
>Dark Souls
No, it's a build simulator.
>god tier
>Real time combat with the ability to pause and plan your moves
this is what makes FF7R combat so damn satisfying