"Why yes, I prefer Up Your Arsenal over Going Commando. How could you tell?"

>"Why yes, I prefer Up Your Arsenal over Going Commando. How could you tell?"

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I mean they're both great, particularly compared to everything that came later. The only game that ever came close to them afterward was Crack in Time and it took itself too seriously.

super sayian heihachi looks like that!?

> forgets Deadlocked
best gameplay in of the series but falls behind on everything else.
still consider it my top R&C game, tho.

i played a lot more up your arsenal but going commando will always be my favorite because of that mission where the little gremlin things attack the robot suburb

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

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Uh...user? You do know this is THE real and only correct opinion, right?

>agents of doom vs scorpion flail
>agents of doom win
stopped reading there, so many people deserve to be gassed for that

Crack in Time is ultra overrated
