Why isn't there a single american game dev who isn't a basedboy?

Why isn't there a single american game dev who isn't a basedboy?

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This man is literally named Chad.

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He's canadian

So is fishphile



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This guy is from quebec so he aint even human in the first place

That guy isn't american you retard

>Why is the field comprised of people isolated in rooms by themselves coding filled with the result of that lifestyle?

Wow, so shocking. Being a shut-in degenerate makes you either a bitter, degenerate, nazi rightoid or a bitter, degenerate, fascist leftoid

>in before furry

You just described the entirety of Yas Forums.

that was the point yeah

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Because the AAA industry is overrun with califag soi lattes (much like webdev) and indie devs all across the world (not just Americans) are pretentious wannabes trying to make shitty "art projects" instead of good games.

>all across the world
Everywhere except japan.

instead they're on the whole other side where instead of simping for women in public they simp for women so hard they literally never leave their house until someone smells their dead body in the apartment next door

based japan

What does that have anything to do with video games?
Why are redditors such obnoxious little faggots?

Japanese people are śoy incarnate. The most limp wristed small dick shy bitch boys you will find on earth

Sincerely Todd.

>what does that have to do with video games
idk you're not new here, you see those Jap vs West threads where they post coomer material right?

of course you see those, because you're not a newfag right?

lmao cope


The AAA industry hires based on politics.

>Philippe Poisson

I got you based boy right here senpai

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Name 1 good American indie developer.

having an above average iq and being reclusive tends to create a huge unchecked ego

All humans are shit.

Toby? Still he is a normalfag though

where do you think Canada is?

There are no good indie devs, unless you want to co-opt the Japanese doujin scene under the "indie" fagbrella.

because you have to network and suck literal dick to get yours shitty 2d retro pixel game any kind of coverage

the only people who rise to the top are the biggest sociopaths and the most submissive to the dominate twitter ideology's

Japan is literally an island of soiboys

Where is he now?


You'll have to deal with it eventually, Yas Forums

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That's why he's a chad

Did you mean Onionsboy? Because that's what that manchild is.

I don't know about you but Randy Pitchford is pretty fucking based haha.