I'm using turn-based mod and enjoying this game a lot.
Pathfinder Kingmaker
nice blogpost faggot
game is already way too long playing on RtWP. Cannot imagine playing this shit on TB
The companions are really fucking bland.
Fuck you, there are already a million TB games.
Stop shoving your baby mode on every fucking game.
Considering how every RPGs companions get wackier and wackier in terms of origin, gender identity and sexuality, that's a selling point. These companions remind me of tabletop games we had 15 years ago without people rolling half-treant trannies so they can min-max bonuses on AC and charisma modifiers.
Try Call of the Wild as well if you want more options. It cannibalized Eldritch Arcana and Advanced Martial Arts so you won't need much else.
sorry bro i don't want to micromanage everyone in my party like I'm playing Starcraft 2.
rtwp is dead and no amount of crying will bring it back
I don't know about bland, but I do find them very, very, very unlikeable. That's why I run a full merc party.
I haven't had more trouble deciding if I like a game or not than with this one.
I love how deep the character creation is, I love playing around with different builds, but then once it gets to the actual game my interest always fizzles out really quickly.
I got to after Season of the Bloom but before the next main quest once, and have dropped it during the first post-Stag Lord section about half a dozen times. Once it stops just being a standard RPG adventure and bogs you down in the kingdom management shit I feel my will to live draining away. Even with it on auto you still have to keep pissing about and killing time until the real game can continue.
I really, really hope the equivalent in the new one, which I'm assuming is the HOMM-esque army management minigame, is better.
Story-wise it makes more sense that you'd have at least some past associates. At least it makes more sense than putting random murderhobos with issues you met 2 hours ago in charge of your new barony.
>random murderhobos with issues you met 2 hours ago
You're journeying in close proximity with these people for weeks, perhaps months. 2 hours doesn't get you 2% along the first road.
>sorry bro i don't want to micromanage everyone in my party like I'm playing Starcraft 2.
>RTWP makes you micro manage more that fucking TB
TB forces you to micromanage every god damn turn what the fuck are you on about.
rtwp isnt dead its just TB faggots can't rub two braincells together to play different types of gamemodes.
I don't mind TB games here and there but having every RPG become TB is boring
What rtwp games are being developed now, other than the next pathfinder game which also has a turn based mode built in?
How the fuck would a tranny treant work? "Please doc, help me get rid of my morning wood".
>TB forces you to micromanage every god damn turn what the fuck are you on about.
Pretty much. With RTWP I don't have to micromanage basic attacks. Can just pause the game when it's time to cast a spell or implement a tactic. Much better system. TB just makes the game needlessly slower.
>other than the next pathfinder game which also has a turn based mode built in
them implementing the fan mod so slowbrains can stand a chance doesn't really matter when the game is entirely still going to be balanced around realtime.
answer the question
pathfinder: wrath of the righteous
So apart from the game half the fanbase will play in tb mode, and absolutely no other rtwp games on the horizon, rtwp is NOT dead?
I prefer turn based, but playing something like this which is clearly designed for RTWP like that is insane. It's pretty slow in RTWP to begin with, pacing would be absolutely glacial by forcing turns on it.
yeah might as well skip pathfinder and play some other game.
alt+T to switch RTwP for the filler encounters
alt+T to turn back for the real encounters.
>half the fanbase will play in tb mode
how delusional do you have to think half the playerbase of a rtwp game is going to play in low-iq mode
>absolutely no other rtwp games on the horizon, rtwp is NOT dead
As long as there's at least one major studio putting out high quality rtwp rpgs it is by definition, not dead. The only TB rpgs coming out are BG3 which looks like hot garbage and a bunch of questionable indie shit.
I'll summarize the characters for you
>"Me barbarian me lady me smash. Stupid men. Me do it too!"
>"Me lady. Me no like paladin. Me lawful stupid though."
>"Lmao. Me random bard lady"
>"Me hypersexual orc. Please cuck me with my GF."
>"Me hypersexual elf. Please help me cuck my Orc BF."
>"Me undead elf. Me evil. Fuck you"
>"Me cleric. Me backstory incoherent. Pls halp."
>"Me goblin. LMAO me so random. Me hero."
>"Me ranger. Me negro. Elf wants me to cuck her BF. Wah, so sad. Stop touching me"
>"Me gnome. Only decent character in the game."
>"Me DLC goat twins. Decent companions only if you buy the DLC."
Did I miss anyone?
I have no fucking idea why so many people like the tieflings. Must be waifufags with shit taste.
They're decent compared to the other companions. That's why.
I am definitely looking forward to all these great turn-based crpgs that are in development right now! The future is looking great!
Get two companions for one companion slot.
gee I wonder why people like them....
They aren't. They're just as bland and annoying as the others.