A game has side quests up the ass

>a game has side quests up the ass
>all the side quests are meaningful to the story and isn’t there for the sake of padding up the gameplay hours
What’s their name, Yas Forums?

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doesn't exist. go fetch my dirty frypan

cyberpunk 2077

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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt PC, PS4, XB1 editions

Witcher 3 is shit

Wrong, it’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

>bring me 20 flint
>bring me 20 apples
>bring me 30 wood
>bring me 20 mushrooms
>bring me 5 lizards
>heres some rupees as a reward
get fucked

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>build me a town

Every Witcher game unironically

>tfw RDR2 is a better RPG than the Witcher 3
Before any CDMutts lose their minds
>way more sales
>97 metacritic
>better both commercially and critically

planescape torment

RDR2 isn't an RPG and everyone knows who Rockstar is. CDPR was pretty unknown by casuals until Witcher 3

>all of the quests consisting in following red trails
meh. sure the writing is there but still.
Witcher 3 had one of the most effective viral marketing campaigns in history

>Witcher 3 had one of the most effective viral marketing campaigns in history
i don't think you know what viral marketing means

Neither is Witcher 3 then.

Yeah and Witcher 3 did great, but it's not gonna compare to the company that makes GTA that could sell their own shit for millions just because of the brand name.
Titanfall 2 is a fantastic FPS but it isn't gonna compare to COD because it doesn't have the same level of recognition.

seething CDPR mutt. Maybe if CDPR weren't dogshit, they would be half as popular and "known" as RDR2. By every metric, RDR2 > Witcher 3


>Dialogue with branching choices
>Character attributes and leveling
>Not an RPG

Both NieR games mostly

it came out 4 years after witcher 3 and learned a lot from it

pretty uncomparable

Witcher 3 has sold over 20 million copies
Stop acting like what is the most popular is the best because that implies Fortnite is the best TPS game ever.

If you say so
Rockstar proved that not to be the case with Midnight Club Los Angeles which didn't have very good marketing and did poorly. They play by everyone elses rules too especially since these games come out so many years apart that they have whole new line-up of people to convince to buy them (yes, there are many many many many many many people that played GTA5 that never played the previous ones. so it was with 4. so it was with SA.)

>it's popular so its good

how young are you

>dude bro trust me, cross-pollinating flowers is fun
>what do you mean you set your clock forward????

Story was Amazing , and quests superb , combat was button mashing dogshit

>>all the side quests are meaningful to the story and isn’t there for the sake of padding up the gameplay hours
You can't seriously think witcher 3 falls under this category

Your telling me that a racing series in late 2008 didn't do as well as GTA? Color me surprised.

Combat wasn't good, but lets be honest if you're button mashing you're just bad

>Dialogue with branching choices
that all lead to same end in 99% of cases
>Character attributes and leveling
derr do you want +5% sword damage or +5% bow damage hurrrr

It sold poorly despite being a rockstar game which is the point. It had poor marketing so it sold poorly. And GTA5 wouldn't have done as good as it did if it didn't have the MULTI MILLION DOLLAR MARKETING CAMPAIGN it did. Rockstar badging isn't some magic thing, sorry.

Do I miss out on anything interesting if I skip all these questionmarks?
I did all of them in southern Skellige but 95% of them were smuggler's caches with literally nothing of value.

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>Midnight Club Los Angeles
You mean that game that released during that period when no one had money

It was pitiful combat wise , but you get my meaning

GTA4 released the same year you silly dolt

>that all lead to same end in 99% of cases
Not really true. Most quests have multiple ends. It's not gonna have ever possible variable in the world, and it's more than most RPG's
>derr do you want +5% sword damage or +5% bow damage hurrrr
Doesn't matter, it's an RPG whether it's the most engaging system or not.

its same smugglers rinse repeat

GTA 4 was released months befroe the stock market crash you fucking child. Midnight Club released after it . No game did well. And again, it's a racing game that had a lot of competition. There's nothing else like GTA/RDR

Look up a guide. Some markers are quests, but most is copy/paste stuff

It had no marketing you silly dolt. Nobody knew it was coming. Fallout 3 released the same month and did great. Whatever point you think you have, you don't.

Majora's Mask has the best side quests of all time.

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Vampire Bloodlines Masqueade

I don't think there was a quest in Witcher 3 that I thought was bad. I was pretty impressed that every quest felt worth playing.

The sidequests in the first Nier are fucking horrible user. Most of them are good in atomato though.

Most kiddies here wont like it cos it was not a skyrim clone easy combat

>make whatever character you want
role playing game
>play a witcher with preset skillset and weaponry
action game

That's not how that works

I think TES and KCD are god tier, but witcher and dd are really mediocre. What now?

I guess every Fallout is an action game.

RPG is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making regarding character development

TES games are fucking shit and claiming that theyre better than any Witcher game is absolutely fucking wrong