Why is Jill so perfect Yas Forums? I love her

Why is Jill so perfect Yas Forums? I love her

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>You want to smell my WHAT?

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>ugly goblina
No thanks.

dilate tranny

Your smelly poophole ;)

c u t e

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thats not claire

>that's so nice! :)

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>seething voth fag

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Looks like a boy

H-hewwo [microphone screeches] O-oh...

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is he dead?

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>those tits

8 posters
15 replies

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Original and Voth Jill will always be my favorite but I like Nu-Jill also, she's so fucking trashy I find it really kind of hot. Not really in a slutty way but in a general crude, sloppy bitch kind of way. I dunno just like it.

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They’re incredibly average.

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eh I dunno they look pretty comfy, probably much smaller than the old Jill though

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Exactly, she isn’t flat or ridiculously huge

Her room is comfy, would love to bang her and eat pizza in it

Does she shave/wax, landing strip, trimmed, or hairy?

Her apartment being such a pig sty is kind of what I mean, her generally unkempt look, her sloppy top, crass bitch attitude, I find it very attractive, the old Jill to me is like a goddess completely removed from regular humans. Both are pretty good in my opinion for different reasons.

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how the hell did that line even got that famous when nicholson was barely in that movie

Nu Jill would totally be the type to eat pizza or play vidya while fucking and I love her for it

she definitely would rip ass freely and probably go to town on herself just sitting on the couch whenever the mood hits

God that’s so hot. She has a very punk rock attitude and I could see her playing in a band in her spare time.