

Attached: creaking hallway.jpg (1080x648, 442.92K)

What's the original image? I want to see how fucking retarded it was.

Attached: 3hgw17xcgqu41.jpg (1125x650, 80.8K)

Attached: onion hallway.png (828x480, 776.95K)

>blue guys cock isnt out

>These guys must really like our tik tok videos

What is middle guy holding?

Attached: 1559568889824.png (720x420, 625.22K)

Is that who I think it is behind them??

Attached: 26c307728d59c02df63fcc7c1131d360.png (165x259, 83.01K)

This gave me such a chuckle! Oh you jokesters here on 4channel! What a riot hahahaha!

Attached: 1587768647731.gif (328x197, 2.56M)



Attached: 1587765707994.png (1208x742, 1.45M)

Attached: 1587774906857.webm (1080x648, 463.63K)

The fuck, is this real?


Attached: kneel.jpg (97x168, 10.66K)

I think i'm the retard because I thought you meant where the skeleton was from


You give normies too much credit.

I fell asleep last thread. Did anyone make a version with this?

Attached: B66E3462-64F0-4B84-A640-EAFA30B71D88.gif (873x529, 95.76K)

Can someone please explain the superhero craze to me? I've never understood it, it's stupid as fuck and anyways, who wants to be told you can only be a hero if you have magic powers?
















That's Groot, nigga


based, fuck these circle jerking kids

stuck thinking who else it could be, far too obscure for virtue signalling tards on twitter though

Keep in mind 90% of it are normies who only are interested in the Marvel cinematic universe. The other 10% are the autistic comic book readers.

Why is Dr. Manhattan 10 feet tall?

sneed's wtfeed is this seed? (formerly chuck's wtfuck is this suck?)


Attached: Amphaross.png (1024x614, 593.3K)

Couldn't Dr. Manhattan find a cure for corona if he wanted to?

Hello based department?

The guy who wrote Buffy the Vampire Slayer wrote for the MCU, and Normalfags absolutely love those one-liners you think of after arguing with someone.
Also Normalfags like it when writers give hints to new things since they can watch a YouTuber explain shit to them and make them feel smart.

>doctors.... we knell