Man-at-arms is fucking huge.
Man-at-arms is fucking huge
Kinda bugs me that I want to like this game because the whole artstyle and concept of it looks very nice, but I can't stand turn based shit.
Are you adhd or something? Serious question
No.I just dislike that style of gameplay. I find it boring.
So ADHD it is.
So it is ADHD
ADHD it is so.
So, is it ADHD?
I understand how you feel. I love everything about this game's artstyle and concept (exploring a deep dungeon full of all sorts of shit) and I even love turnbased games but I can't stand RNG this heavy, I bounce off it every time I try to play.
There's so much RNG involved without the items, it'll be complete crap, especially with death's door which adds another layer of RNG.
Also: No stress. That's like a big chunk of the combat and abilities removed.
It is ADHD, so.
My only dislike of this game are heroes refusing to do lower level content. Makes sense from a pure gameplay perspective, but it makes everyone seem like an asshole trying to get themselves killed. So I turn that shit off.
For you
He's a big guy
>no stress
Well to be fair, stress is really more like a resource that you must carefully manage while going through a dungeon.
Once you get to a certain point in the game, especially with stagecoach upgrades, it doesn't matter anymore as you can force only orange and red missions to appear if you don't recruit low-level dudes.
>I like the game but not the same stuff which makes the core mechanics
You are fucking faggot I spit with this (you) on your face
If I take that eyepatch off, will he die?
It SO is ADHD!
It will be extremely painful
all that cope
Well at least it isn't autism, because if it was I'd probably enjoy turn based combat.
>No stress. That's like a big chunk of the combat and abilities removed.
stress being entirely one-sided against you is the very definition of artificial difficulty
>but I can't stand turn based shit.
low iq mutt detected
keep seething and being low iq since dd2 is confirmed turn based lmao
I've tried multiple times to get into this but the problem is always the same: once you get an ideal party for the scenario, the game is pretty easy.
hit me with magnet Yas Forums, I've already bought it for the PS4
I also want to like DD, but my problem is both the aggressive RNG, and the forced ironman mode. One is bad enough on its own, but both together seems like the antithesis of fun.
It adhd is so
DESU I'd rather be autistic than ADHD.
It's even better with mods.
artstyle is awful tho, all the SJW shit ruins it