>still caring about graphics
daily reminded that if you care more about the graphics than gameplay, you are a child and should be treated as such

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"Pure gameplay" died with the 8bit (16bit for PCs) era.

or maybe you're a robot with no soul

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My gameplay experience is enhanced by good graphics.

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But how could there be any gameplay without graphics?

let me guess, nin toddler?

Go play some rogue bro


It's ironic because "nin toddlers" make that argument all the time in Genesis vs SNES threads.

Didn't know dwarf fortress, adom, and angband where on the switch

Why can't you have good gameplay and good graphics?

Back then, better graphics meant more gameplay opportunities. Mode 7 games are the obvious example, you couldn't have F-Zero on the Genesis.
Having a faster CPU also meant the same for the Genesis in other games, though. Either way was valid.

>caring about dopamine circuits built on repeating small tasks represented by visual constructs
>not doing pure math

if you're not just crunching numbers is it even a game?

Yeah I care about visuals in a visual media. Where's the problem?

Daily "reminded" that if you have zero appreciation of graphics or understanding of their benefit, then you likely have severe, legitimate autism. Gameplay should be primary, but that doesn't mean graphics shouldn't exist.

lack of resources or time constraints

Autists like acfag (incorrectly) believe that graphics detract from gameplay, when they can easily coexist.

The only benefit of graphics is to accelerate recognition of gameplay states and context. Launch TF2 is a prime example.

graphics > gameplay
nobody cares about your bing bing wahoo """""""""gameplay"""""""""

Overwhelmingly, gameplay and graphics aren't even being done by the same person, idiot.

go watch a movie then

Genesis could do 3D rotating backgrounds though. Red Zone had them. But the issue remains that the SNES didn't have the processing power, which is a far bigger limit on gameplay opportunities as you can't push things as far. Compare something like Afterburner on the Genesis to ... I can't readily think of a SNES game that chaotic.

>daily reminded that if you care more about the graphics than gameplay, you are a child and should be treated as such
Well duh isn't that why autoplatforming is a thing?

Okay, and?

no, i want to interact with the games world, stupid retard

>everyone who cares about graphics cares about it more than gameplay
Major cope.

sonybro detected

The issue remains that while that is true in theory what has happened in fact is that graphics have become the be-all end-all of game design.

But artists and gameplay programmers are both paid out of the same budget, dumbass.

> i want to interact with the games world
so gameplay then

Nintendo fans were the first to care about graphics over gameplay. Look at any "muh 32k colors!" argument.

A lot of games don't really do that. They're too focused on impressing you with how pretty they are rather than effectively conveying the state of the game to you. Sometimes it even gets in the way.

Not when the Game Gear and Master System exist.


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AFAIK Red Zone only did rotation, it didn't do general affine transformations.
>But the issue remains that the SNES didn't have the processing power, which is a far bigger limit on gameplay opportunities as you can't push things as far. Compare something like Afterburner on the Genesis to ... I can't readily think of a SNES game that chaotic.
Yeah, I conceded that. Both approaches had their advantages, which is why both consoles ended up with such different and such high quality libraries.

and your sex life is enhanced by the dozen of dicks entering your ass every day you goddamn faggot

im spiderbob nigga XD

Yeah I never understood graphics whoring, it's like being more excited about technology I guess than by the games. I only care about my totally subjective perception of how a game 'looks.'

Graphics can actually be a limit on gameplay. Think about something like a dungeon crawler. You can have many invisible stats, and many different ways of attacking that without graphics only need a text box. You can attack in one of four ways, for an example, in with graphics you'd need to have those four attacks portrayed a different way, or it will be unclear. Why is a precise attack the same visually as a furious attack? So you either graphically separate them, or just have "attack" with a single graphical portrayal.

Only for shitty (mostly Western) AAA games that are just reskins of generic shooters, etc. Actual games are still being made.

Pretty games make more money, and therefore are given more budget to work within. Checkmate, mongoloid