Discussion of this game is dead. Zoomers have entirely replaced it with the remake in their minds...

Discussion of this game is dead. Zoomers have entirely replaced it with the remake in their minds. You will never be able to talk about this game again without zoomers telling you the remake is better.

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Not it isn't.
And what's wrong with them preferring it? Are you that neurotic and unable to handle opinions different from yours? You sound like a very angry person in general. Let people enjoy things. Fuck you.

It's very overrated anyway, I lost a save before the end of disc 1 as a kid and never bothered restarting it. Came back to it more recently and have started it 2 or 3 times and never got passed the Shinra building.

ATB is a shit system that feels slower than just being turn based and the story is hardly anything to shout about.

>ATB is a shit system that feels slower than just being turn based
Increase the speed, idiot.

Not an option in the PSX version.

The collective opinion (even that of the developers) is that it doesn't replace the original though.

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>ATB is a shit system that feels slower than just being turn based
Yeah you lost me here. Say what you like about the system as a whole (I think it's great) but it absolutely doesn't feel slower than the original game. There's no battle transition, ATB gauges can be filled super fast depending on how you play, and as soon as enemies die the battle's over, no fanfare or long death animation.

Ah shit wait you were referring to the original. Disregard my post.

>why doesn't a 23 year old game have a more relevant and modern story
based retard

I tried going back to these supposed 'superior' FF games like FF12.

I'm sorry guys, the writing might be top tier and all and they might all speak in flowery ye olde English, the problem is that that combat is mindnumbingly fucking boring. With gambits it pretty much plays itself.

So I take some linear corridors and some crap dungeons if it means I get a kickass combat system like 7R's instead.

If you think zoomers will have just as much fun with the turnbased battles as they would with 7R's combat system, I dunno what to tell you dudes but that is some serious fucking delusional and you might as well not even be on the same Planet as the rest of us.

>never got passed the Shinra building.
Literally like 90 mins of playing, seeing as you played until the end of disc 1 before and know exactly what to do, will get you from hitting new game and out of midgar. What is wrong with you user.

>kickass combat system like 7R's instead.
I'm not sure I even have a laughing reaction image good enough to post in response to that retarded sentence. I hope you're enjoying your squenix 5 bucks

Mate I played it to the end of disc 1 in 1998, it's hardly fresh in my mind.

I am a 35 year old boomer and found the remake more beautiful and emotionally impactful
the character performances and music are some of the best ever


There was no discussion of this game before the Remake in the last 3 years anyway.

>When asked what lead to the development of an FFVII remake, Kitase says that up till now, if young gamers wanted to experience the origin story of Cloud and other FFVII characters, they would have to play the original FFVII with its Playstation age graphics. He says that by remaking the origin story with the latest modern technology, young gamers and old ones can enjoy FFVII with the greatest gaming experience.

I have been talking about it all week you drama queen

So he literally says it's a replacement. Remakefags once again lie about developer intentions.

>ATB is a shit system that feels slower than just being turn based
This. I wish I could play ff9 as a pure turn based game without sitting there waiting for a bar to fill

Nooooo how dare you! You are killing my childhood!!! Aaaaaaahjjvdndb

>Zooom zooooom brum brum waooow weeeii eiiiii zooooom

That's fine by me. The original classic version has been ring-fenced off while the shitty compilation and the dreadful 'remake' can take the forefront and be their own thing and hopefully leave the proper game alone.

>Oh no, Biggs died!
>The slums were crushed! And Wedge too?
>Oh wait the slums are just kind of beat up
>And Wedge is fine
>But now Barret died!
>Oh wait, no he didn't!
>And Biggs is alive too! Fooled ya!
>And Zack too!

Such emotion. Did you clap when they decided to show you this goofy motherfucker while the plate was falling too?

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>If you think zoomers will have just as much fun with the turnbased battles as they would with 7R's combat system
Why would I care about how other people feel about it? That being said the combat in ff7r is fun even if I would rather have turn based combat

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I'm just glad zoomers are enjoying the same story and characters I did growing up, no matter how it's presented :)

What is emotionally impactful about a nonsensical, incomplete story about a group of people who have just met each other battling huge monsters and an antagonist spouting cryptic bullshit?

Deh duuhh evhryone suvvihved? Yaaay daying bahd living gud. W-w-watch mohre Disney Sephi bieg spook.

Theyre the same in look only and barely even that

Seriously, despite being significantly underdeveloped characters, the Avalanche members dying in the original game had more impact because
>they actually died pretty suddenly and without giving 5+ minute monologues with their dying breaths
>they didn't play fucking will-they-won't-they with their deaths and a bunch of fucking stupid ghosts flying around

What if I like both?

Close enough, I'm not autistic so if things don't line up pixel perfect I can go on without my life being ruined.

kys zoom zoom

play the game and find out faggot

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Then you should return to society like the enlightened patrician you are
Don't waste your time on Yas Forums with rational and sensible opinions and takes