You are offered 100k salary to work anywhere in the gaming industry as long as it involves in the gaming development...

You are offered 100k salary to work anywhere in the gaming industry as long as it involves in the gaming development. Which position do you take?

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Kojima's sex slave aka "video game model".

Idea guy

Creative Director at Bethesda Studios

Kojima's sex slave as a "video game model".

Janitor on the game dev floor.

I dunno. Debugging I guess. That's always been the aspect of writing code that I found most fun.

you joke but a lot of these game designers have the weirdest backgrounds and some with minimal technical chops

>the fucking Souls director Miyazaki worked at Oracle as an account manager before somehow getting into FromSoftware

money upfront you cheating scum

No wonder dark soul sucks.

story writer
these cuck-plots have to end

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tool developer.
i like making the job of other people more efficient and my work would be valued regardless of how shit the game is or how badly it sells.

I would want to be the head of the game where I had full control over everything and could have the game made exactly how I want it.

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idea guy

Valve snack bar manager

"Getting well soon" at Valve.


Let me guess, you watch a lot of anime and think that because of that you are a 10/10 writer

>taking a huge pay cut to work on video games, an industry notorious for overworking people

if it's 100k a year for literally any kind of job, i would be the guy who just sits there in a boardroom and says "yes that is a great idea" and i would do that for literally anything without a thought
and then go home and shitpost on the internet while living the life

Company owner. There can be no other answer. If you have a boss, he can overrule your decisions. If I'm the boss, I can make nigger-free games as god intended.

What are my options? I stopped looking at gaming careers back in 03 when my dad told me i should work a real job like construction or landscaping.

Idea guy beats boss. Without the ideas you have no product. Thus the boss has no real leverage.

if you're looking at trade then there is a lot more better jobs than this. being a mechanic at anything beats construction work any day.

human chair for female VA


coding or art direction


Office janitor.

Hot Pocketsmind

I'll gladly take what is considered 2x the average pay in such a position to BTFO dumb EOPs.

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Not involved and also why the fuck would you want to be someone who cleans someones shit? lol

100k a year to clean an office? Why not? Fuck game development.

VA. Actually my dream job so I'd do that shit for free if it meant getting my foot in the door.

Design Director, I know what I want in a video game and have just enough knowledge to articulate the technical way to achieve it beyond just "idea guy" tier assistance since I would know the "magic tricks" to get around certain technical limitations, I just have no real knowledge of coding beyond basic terminal usage in UNIX, and while I have worked with the Unity SDK and GZDoomBuilder I have no patience for actually finishing good maps even though I technically know how to operate the SDKs.

enjoy your crunch, i will jack off in the basement if you need me

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This. I would bust my ass off to make sure the game is great nonetheless.

>get fired by your boss and replaced by a fresh new ideas guy with better ideas