Call of Duty False Bans

These fucking retards over at IW or Activison decided to update their anti-cheat and now it's detecting a shit load of third party programs as cheats and issuing permanent bans automatically off of that.

I am a victim as well as hundreds of others, even on consoles are experiencing this problem.

Attached: call-of-duty-warzone-pc-cheaters.jpg (1400x700, 161.02K)

haha get fucked cheater, maybe if you tell them it was your brother lmao

I don't see how using a third party program that affects your game in any way isn't cheating
other players don't have them

i dont cheat and i dont get ban. looks like you got rekt kid

MSI afterburner is one of many programs proven to be detected as "cheating" explain to me how your line of thought makes any sense?

Attached: 2y9bxw.jpg (640x466, 263.97K)

This is the absolute worst call of duty ever, so desu I would be thankful to get perma banned from it lol

People like this are the primary reason IW or Activison wont do shit about the thousands of people getting auto banned for having MSI afterburner or RGB programs running in the background.

i use msi afterburner and im not banned? get rekt my friend.

Attached: _jill.jpg (1150x1040, 169.15K)

Just wait bitch nigga, you'll come crying back when you're banned.

Not him, but maybe he means background applications completely unrelated to the game? Or screen-capture/streamer stuff?

At first I read this as
>Call of Duty False Beans
And was intrigued. Also, you literally deserve to have everything taken from you for playing Cowadooty in current year.

>he doesn't know it yet

>MSI afterburner is one of many programs proven to be detected as "cheating"
prove it? you can't just say shit


Literally made a brand new account and played for all of about 2 minutes while using MSI Afterburner and then it said my account was permanently banned.

Attached: Account banned.png (3440x1440, 118.78K)

literally just posted a screenshot of a ban message
if it just takes two minutes, record your screen showing you're only running Warzone and MSI and play until you get banned

Okay here's a fun little game for you.
Download cheat engine, the latest version and try playing Call of Duty and watch what happens. Don't even have to open the game. Just do it.


*don't even have to open cheat engine

List of proven things to get you banned
Having Cheat Engine installed on your computer
Having IDE compilers
Having GTAV injection tools.

I remember gettinf banned on destiny 2 pc release week because I had cheat engine for a wii emulator. I got unbanned after many tweets and threads, too bad the game was SHIT.

i went on the modern warfare reddit (I never fucking use reddit) and there is a stickied post saying the anti cheat was updated and a few high voted posts of people laughing that they are getting messages that someone they reported was banned.
OP just admit you're a cheating loser man.

Attached: 1587238960590.jpg (1368x1321, 546.36K)

ok then I don't believe you
crazy how if you can't prove your point in any way whatsoever that's what happens
enjoy your ban I guess

How can I admit to something I didn't do animeposter?

Oh so exactly like my destiny 2 debacle, i got unbanned a week later tho. It was such a mess dealing with the "you are a hacker deal with it" forum shitters.

Download cheat engine and try playing the game do it.

wtf but I thought pc gaming gave you freedom over consoles? Now I'm getting banned for freely customizing my property?

do they not know that cheat engine is actually super shit for real scripts?

Stop buying/playing COD

I mean, this type of aggressive anti-cheating bullshit is not exclusive to Activision though.
I had to jump through a ridiculous number of hoops to play pokemon go on my rooted phone. I'm not even a cheater, I just really hate bloatware being installed on my shit.
The app itself can't detect root, since that'd require asking permission. But it can do some really shady backdoor-style shit to determine if you likely have root access.
My point is that this is not new or unique. And you're a goddamn retard.


You violate the EULA, your license gets revoked. This is not a new concept. It's the same fucking thing with literally every license in the world. Driver's license, liquor license, medical license.
Are you all literal children?

Its shit

Except in the EULA and Activison Security Enforcement Policy it literally doesn't state anything about having a malicious third-party program on your computer being punishable, using it is.

>one of the most used programs in the world
>detected as cheat

Attached: p4VJHkd.png (600x358, 114.47K)

The game has way too many cheaters, especially from China. I'm glad they are doing something.

If people get unjust Nan's because of false detection, then that's a problem, but it's not really a major issue until IW refuse to investigate and subsequently restore accounts.

I've been tweeting proof of my innocence and spamming emails and all I've gotten in return was "Too bad kiddo"

it's almost like the most popular free game in the world at the moment as a lot of cheaters so they need to crack down on it in order to maintain a playerbase

Yes mass banning people for having certain programs on their computer is defo the way to go about it, and then when people who don't cheat go to player support they are met with "ALL BANS ARE FINAL LOL"