The best way to aim in FPS games is slow sensitivity + quality acceleration

Attached: v.jpg (548x305, 45.13K)

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it's the equivalent of being a professional racer and closing your eyes shouting JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL fuck off retard

If you're referring to win10's "cursor precision enhancer" or in game acceleration, you are right.
If you're using something akin to Povohat's acceleration, you're wrong.
Acceleration + slow sens is the ultimate aiming, if you actually configure it well, the acceleration will only begin once you hit a certain speed for a certain length of time, it's the ultimate way to play low sens since you maintain the precision of low sens and gain the ability to turn around high sens offers. Best of both worlds.


Good one, that's extremely low sens doe holy shit.

Old school Quake pros would agree with you.
They ran with low sensitivity and acceleration.
Quake's mouse acceleration was very predictable and consistent.
Pretty much all modern mouse acceleration sucks, because it is inconsistent.
Heck, someone made a driver to try and make it available for other game.

Theoretically you are correct but I can't be assed to set it up so I just make do with getting good at high sensitivity.

It's not a bad thing, I used to play on a tiny ass mousepad and couldn't really afford wide movement so I had to play with that 4cm/360°, nowadays, I use 340cm/360° with 50/360° max accel.

Gyro aim is superior to mouse and keyboard

There's a difference between being controversial and retarded.

noticeable frame dips in old games can be charming and do not detract as much as kids on Yas Forums say

The Xbox controllers are shit and it amazes me anyone can like them.

not controversial at all. here's the real one

whatever mouse sensitivity works for you is fine
anime is for underdeveloped manchildren

This is the greatest controller ever made

Attached: capsule_616x353.jpg (616x353, 35.86K)

> playing table hockey with a mouse
nah man

Do you have any sort of footage/logs of someone using gyro in a game where mouse/keyboard is available?

Please watch and before speaking.

Gyro is good but it's not that good, the cracks start to show In stuff like morphies law which require extreme precision.

What are you even doing on Yas Forums if you don't like anime

Especially when there's a huge explosion or something cool happening. If it's just slowing down when nothing's happening because the console is a piece of shit, fuck that.

>The best way to aim in FPS games is slow sensitivity + quality acceleration
That's how a significant portion of pro players do it.
Many do low sensitivity and have a fuckhuge mouse pad area because they had the luxury for such space.
Some were among the lot who played a lot at LAN parties where real estate for each person was tiny.

Either you got used to high sensitivity for such cramped spaces, or you did low sens with acceleration within certain thresholds. It allowed for precision aiming with no acceleration, and then you performed quick flicks to get instant turns.
idTech games have nuanced settings to allow such, but most games don't, so the majority of players default to acceleration off.
It would only be controversial among the masses who aren't keen on the aforementioned circumstances.

>second one
But that's the common consensus. It would be controversial to suggest they are high quality fine art for mature adults.

Aiming in shooters is overrated.

People fetishize it to the point that any role that that doesn't require that must aim is shit on even when the ones that do require aim can be otherwise completely braindead. And yet despite this the most fun shooters are generally the ones that don't need all that much aim and not only prove to be more fun when the aim-heavy roles aren't playing but said roles prove to be the biggest problem when aimbots are introduced.

yeah I'm thinking the explosions when you beat the bosses in star fox 64, not in the middle of a race in mario kart or something

Imagine saying this on a Mongolian basketweaving forum

Correct. Headshots are dumb.

this is not controversial, nor is it an opinion...
if anyone bothered developing games specifically for pic related, then it would be the uncontested greatest gem in video game control history

Attached: iots.png (1000x1000, 26.24K)

>high quality fine art for mature adults.
Some are, making sweeping generalisations about an entire nations contributions to a medium is retarded.

>Yas Forums iS aN aNiMe ImaGebOarD

it's not 2008 anymore faggot. your secret club is normieville now

Normies watch anime now so that shouldn't change shit, maybe you should fuck off to another website where you belong.

Non aim centric shooters are fun but only really on the short term usually, seeing your aim develop from "spazzing out in fear anytime something happens" to "robotic movement" is very enjoyable on the long term, it's very enjoyable to hit difficult shots you wouldn't have hit a few years ago.

i kno rite get outta here incels lol im such a nerd XD my favorite anime is my hero academia i ship bakugan x deku squeee

I have never felt even one iota of shame whenever I savescummed


high sens high accel

This madman plays on a 4 inch wide mousepad.

Attached: 4chan loves anime.jpg (259x194, 14.38K)

no you just use low sensitivity and a gigantic mousepad dude.

user im weak my arm hurts when i try that

Attached: iwant2blittlegirr.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

it's wrong to play old games in resolutions they wouldn't have run at at launch
it's wrong to play old games in aspect ratios they weren't intended for