This is the worst souls game.
This is the worst souls game
DS3 was the best
Its my personal favorite game of all time but thats fine you dont like it, i respect your opinion and encourage you to move on with your life.
wow its refreshing to not see someone insult someone else with a different opinion
Fuck you faggot, this is dogshit. All the mechanics are inferior to DS1/DS3.
>All the mechanics are inferior to DS1/DS3.
It's a flawed masterpiece, wish DS3 built upon it instead of trying to copy DS1
second best. ds1 is the best
Rolls are more clunky, hitboxes are shit, weapon movements are cancer. I can go on...
i just played ds2 online and i got backstabbed across the arena map by a rapier wielding man
it wasn't a very thin stretch or the max range of a normal backstab it was literally 5 meters away
fuck ds2 pvp
Mechanically and graphically, sure, but I still prefer it to DS3 because it wasn't ass derivative. Like, I'd done all this before.
>oh now I'm being grabbed by gargoyles for the third time
>oh now I'm going through the rafters of a cathedral for the third time
>oh now I'm traversing a poison swamp for the third time
>oh now I'm in the demon ruins again
>oh, it's Yharnam in winter
>oh it's Siegmeyer again
>oh it's the blacksmith again
>oh it's the nexus again
ok, it is far from perfect. It still is a valid game though
my only complaint is they completely fucked up the graphics and abandoned the art-style that was in the early trailers/gameplay.
>rolls are more clunky
Replay Dark Souls 1
>hitboxes are shit
Every game has shit hitboxes, see webm related
>weapon movements are cancer
Babby tier criticism
the trailer was total bait just lkie your post
The cathedral was pure kino, though.
>Replay Dark Souls 1
I went into DS2 this week after completing DS1 again you dunce. DS2 is still worse.
>webm related
webm literally rolled into the boss. shit point.
do I even need to respond to your retarded mind
Doesn't count.
you can go on a diet faggot
I enjoyed DS2 the most out of all the souls games
DS1 obviously was more worth your play time to get 100% achievements.
All the mainline souls games are jank and broken, 1 and DeS are the only games with enough separate endearing qualities irresepctive of this messy gameplay to be considered good
IIRC you need to go to like new game+++ to get all the achievements in DS2 and I never really felt like beating the game three times, I just started a new character instead
You can go on with your buzzwords and it's still wouldn't mean anything. Grow up you literal manchild
>guys trust I totally replayed it
Keep saying it
I've beaten DS1 multiple times. What's so unbelievable about him having replayed it???
I disagree. I think 3 is the worst souls game. There are so many nonsensical changes and bad design decisions it doesn't even feel like a dark souls game anymore.
I think 3 is the worst. 3 feels like a rehash of 1 with some small feature changes. 2 is mechanically flawed and not polished but it had a ton of unique content not seen in the other games
>unique content
shit content isn't good just because it's "unique"
>nonsensical changes
Such as? I think DS3 was the best looking souls game, it felt like Miyazaki accomplished what he wanted to with DS1 but couldn't due to limitations at the time, i.e. having to make the entire game practically vertical.
>Gameplay boils down to spam roll and stamina management is basically inconsequential
>They gave up on trying to make bosses with telegraphed attacks and you end up with bosses that you have barely any time to react that you have to spam roll
>Magic builds are extremely unfun
>Didn't take advantage of good things from DS2 like bonfire ascetic
>Most weapons share moveset instead of having tons of unique and fun things like in DS2
>Boss designed as bloodborne boss aka SisterFriede
DS3 is terrible
>I went into DS2 this week after completing DS1 again you dunce. DS2 is still worse.
The mid-roll in Dark Souls is the definition of clunky.
>webm literally rolled into the boss. shit point.
Keep denying that Dark Souls has shit hitboxes you biased tard
>do I even need to respond to your retarded mind
What did you expect me to say? Your points are disabled