i'll start, i had to save scum to beat doom 1.
ITT Vidya Sins You Committed
I used to have a lag switch for my xbox 360
I did not recruit Garrus in my first ME1 playthrough
I never played the Legacy of Kain series, I just watched the cutscenes on Youtube when I was told the games play like ass.
I savescummed in Tainted space to get a cowslut with fat tits.
>get invited to halo 2 mcc beta
>annoying marine
>didnt get on the turret seat
>killed her and took shotgun ammo
First marine i ever killed voluntarley
My first playthrough of Starcraft 1 was with cheats. And i would tell my friends that the game was super easy.
I bought some gold. Not proud of it, but if I didn't I would have fallen behind even worse after rerolling.
thats not a sin thats a blessing
i can respect that.
I also got the flexibility perk and the pheromone sweat one. I'm basically trying to make the perfect girl for fucking
I save scum constantly in XCOM
If you live in a big boy country then even the shittiest job will buy far more gold than you could EVER grind in game, thanks to the third world there is literally no reason not to buy
well it is turn based so i wouldn't feel to bad about it
It took me 50 hours to beat OOT
with or without a guide cause if u had a guide thats fucking embarrassing
I've played less than 10 games made after 2015
Eternal poorfag
I didn't,I did check out where to find the 4th Gerudo prisoner
did the criminal mastermind challenge in GTA V Online, but with the use of a usb network adapter that I would unplug if I came close to dying.
Up until about 5 years ago I had always used cheats of some kind to play through Ocarina of Time. I broke that cycle by finishing Master Quest without any,
so you pretty much save scummed in an online game?
I use cntrl+click cheat in warband or bannerlord when i'm in fucked position
I used a save editor in KI Uprising to give myself 10 million hearts because i was tired of grinding the first mission for fuseable weapons
I was too stupid to finish Ocarina of Time
In the past I have used Trainers to beat a game
I hacked mario cart wii so I could block the way for everyone online by going big with a star in a narrow passage.
you rn
I needed a guide to figure out the Sun Key puzzle in Phantom Hourglass
I’ve used cheat engine in online games to do wacky things like change the colors in Earth Defense Force or make gargantuan boobs and whatever.
I really enjoyed the updated ending of KH3. I do still fondly remember it.
I only beat Boss Battles on Intense in Brawl by using Brawl Minus and using Sonic since he has an attack that's a near-instakill on bosses
I'll occasionally teamkill on purpose in any game with friendly fire, because it's funny. I always do it in a situation where I have plausible deniability though, it's the balancing act of killing friendlies vs getting kicked
I've never played any metal gear solid and have just watched the cutscenes for every game (except 5)
i do too people's reactions are fucking funny as shit
Im playing Persona 5 and googlingevery right answer except for Confidants, in that case I just load my save if I didn't like the results. Sorry teach, I don't know how many stadiums or pools the combined existing gold of the world fills.
I used Cheat Engine to beat the tidus chocobo racing minigame
I think New Vegas and Skyrim are some of the best games of the new 10's but I have never actually finished them. I also quite like Dragon Age: Origins, but have never actually finished the game either.
lol, I guess I will confess for my brother, he tried for hours to no avail to do the chocobo racing minigame and in the end he handed the controller to me and I made the 0:00 time in less than 20 minutes.
Gonna burn in the ninth circle for that one, user.