Why did Bleach never get a good game?
I would have been happy with a musou on par with pirate warriors. It already set up for it.
The only decent games were the two Soul Carnival games on psp, and they were mediocre at best.
Why did Bleach never get a good game?
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Because making shounen games is a waste. It's oversaturating the market.
You know the rules
If its a popular anime its only allowed shitty arena fighters that copies the story you already watched.
god I want a rukia gf
>arena fighters
Is that what that god awful Jump Force is considered?
If so then yeah, completely fuck that shit.
You spelled Nemu wrong.
What was her problem?
Spanish-Hell arc should have just been a Warriors game
Yoruichi is the perfect woman.
Bleach was nowhere near as popular in Japan as the west.
Psychotic murderer keeping it bottled up for hundred of years.
For me it's Yushiro
shattered blade. but you just want a cumbait game dating sim or something like dead or alive
Beep beep
Best girl coming through
Bleach Heat the Soul. Never came to America. Go emulate it now.
Isn't there like 500 of those?
Best opening
>Aizen's cumdumpster is not included
7. There are 7 of them.
Blach games were made based on the manga overall quality.
bleach was straight up retarded
>horny teenager suddenly gets big black beautiful horny woman who wnts to fuck
>they dont
>horny teenager gets a cute grill living in his closet
>never asks her out let alone makes a move
total fucking bullshit.
>the characters eats a lot meme
never gets old how not-funny it is
When was Ichigo ever depicted as horny?
Why does everyone forget about Treasure's DS fighters? Those were the best games Bleach ever got.
A souls-like with faster paces combat closer to DMC game for Bleach wehre you could chose your build as quincy, shinigami, hollow or fullbringer depending onhow you spent the reiatsu that you accure int eh world would be pretty neat.
The lore could be a time stopped world where Yawach is in the middle of merging the three worlds but aizen / mayuri / the mad monk / urahara / ichigo / soemone has stopped him to compelte the process and whatever has been done already cannot be undone so far, and yawach cannot end it, so you ahve to explore a post apocaliptic realm where death is impossible BUT souls can be destroyed, some extra lore regarding how hell would react as well to this situation would be nice.
Is anything Japanese ever really funny?
Nip "humour" always seems to boil down to "hurrhurr strange/zany/randum xD"
>Why did this piece of shit of media not get a good game?
Were Quincys the incels of the Bleach universe?
Ichigo is a teenager, but he is not horny. Even Ishida is more horny than Ichigo is.
Like imaginary Zaraki said when he was fighting white zangetsu said, his lust is obviously to fight but he is too tsundere about it, and needs to make up a reason for it like "protect muh nakama". He is like Raiden from MGRR
There's very few characters that I have hated as much as I hate Momo. I wanted her to die so many times with her whiny delusional ass.
What's the
His sisters 'took care' of him
What's the deal with that? Japs think overeating and stomachs growling are comedy gold.
It's really weird.
>we were behind you for 1000 years
I'm 100% sure Aizen creamed her pussy
No way she would be this obsessed about his dick without getting a taste of it
It always seems to me like their comedy is reaction based.
Like somebody's reaction to a joke is actually the joke.
Ayy sex lmao
I was a fat badl dude that Aizen used to give ehr the dickings with the illusion.
No way he would taint his dick in such a lowly cunt.
konosuba is funny, gintama can be funny sometimes. Otherwise i agree
How did she end up wearing those kind of clothes?
I watched like 40 episodes of Bleach and it felt like a complete waste of my life. Does it get any better?
Watching any kind of entertainment is a complete waste of life.
Isnt this also a name for a type of japanese comedy? It goes like:
>Two guys
>One normal and one weird
>Weird one does weird stuff
>Normal Guy
>"crowd laughs"
I mean it's ok but not something i would laugh more than twice in the same show
Skip fillers. People will say the first arc is the best, but all the arrancar stuff is actually where it's at.
Why do they always all react in the same way then.
Ever played a persona game? Also most games nowadays aren’t funny but try way too hard to be
I'mm not arguing with you. Just adding my 2 cents.