Add user from Yas Forums

>add user from Yas Forums
>all he ever talks about is video games

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things that never happened

>add user from Yas Forums

It's happened every time.

>two faggots from Yas Forums add me on PSN
That was all, they probably liked the games I've been playing over the years.

Probably because the board is full of nothing but comparing cocks and closeted homolust. We never talk about video games.

just wait another 30 years maybe hell develop personality

Let me correct that
>things that happened once before op deleted discord and got annoyed by internet people

>i want friends
>but i dont want people interested in video games, while i continue to ask for friends on a board thats supposed to be about video games
just fuck off holy shit you quarantined college kids are so fucking stupid

what else would you want him to talk about?

>join discord server for a clan in an MMO
>immediately can spot the Yas Forumsposter
>"Kek!, basedboi, cuck, niggerfaggot etc"
>One of the higher ranks asks if he can tone it down as the clan wants to create a positive community
>"muh free speech, don't be a snowflake, everyone gets offended nowadays etc"
>carries on
>kicked from clan

Do you really only play video games and do nothing else?

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even if that was the case, what's wrong with that?

your thread is the least interesting one up on this video game board right now, if it was replaced by a video game thread it would 100% be more interesting

>add user from Yas Forums
>he still rants about trannies and sjws outside of Yas Forums

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The guy only talks to you about video games because you're not actually his friend, you're "that guy I talk to about video games because we met on a video game discussion board"

>Yas Forums ever talking about videogames
calling bullshit

>add user from Yas Forums
>Astfol avatar
>won't stop talking about how hot traps are and how much he'd like to suck a cute guys dick
>asks if your interested
>unfriend immediately

Never add anyone from Yas Forums

>add user from Yas Forums
>complains about Jews, niggers, and trannies
>never talks about video games

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Don't you sperg out about trannies in front of your family, friends and colleagues?!

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>add user from Yas Forums
>all he ever does is spout Yas Forums memes and never play vidya

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yeah basically

>add user on Yas Forums
>he sends me his buttpic in stockings and calls me daddy all the time
i just wanted to play some vidya bro

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Yes retard, that's how it works. I'm not here to be give my life story, just an online acquaintance for playing/talking vidya. Lemme guess you also have a facebook account?

people fronting as normies on here is always so funny because you're structurally incapable of even ending up on this website unless you're abnormal in some way

>Add someone from Yas Forums
>Whenever I log in he tries to tell me shit that happened during his week about his mom or whatever the fuck blahblah
I'm here to play video games, faggot.


this site really isn't nearly as le hidden as you think. I unironically know atleast 4 normalfags from my college with girlfriends that browse v and b to find memes. They never post out of fear but they visit this place to laugh at people.

>I deliberately added a person from a video game board
>He talks about video games
>How could this happen to me

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Is it really that hard to believe that the only reason he added you was to talk about games?
He has closer friends to talk with about more serious stuff.

All it takes is reading about Yas Forums from some random FB post or something.

>add user from Yas Forums
>turns out it's a tranny

i didn't say it was hidden?

normal people don't use this place because they already spend less time online and when they do spend time online they spend it on more normal places

>Add user from Yas Forums
>All they play are idle/clicker games on Steam
>They have over 500 hours in one of them

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