This is a remake you wanted a remaster

>This is a remake you wanted a remaster
>You can always play the original
>The conversation is much more interesting now that we don't now what's next
>You are 'purist' you were always going to complain
>Nomura isn't the writer

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poopie peepee butthole phptphpthphpt

>finally reach Honeybee
>brace myself for all that gay shit I heard about
>it's just a rhythm mini-game with Cloud dancing, where I barely notice it cause my mind was in getting the inputs right
Why did people freak out so much over this again?

Yas Forums is a bunch of hyperbolic divas. More news at 11.

Because it's the current year and people must complain. Everything is
>SJW gay propaganda
>anti white propaganda
>pro-Nazi propaganda
>anti-Nazi propaganda
>something something cuck porn
Or, maybe some people are closet faggots and that scene bothers them because... well, you know.

>implying Yas Forums isn't gay
I saw the threads.

>It's good because it subverts expectations
>Don't like it? Don't play it.

it redefines what a remake is, and that makes it so much more interesting than even being just an 'FF7 remake'.

It's the MGS2 of its decade. MGS2 subverted what is expected of sequels. FF7R subverts what is expected of remakes.

If you don't like that, you are filtered and your own shallowness is exposed for all to see. You are just a consoomer eagerly happy to keep rebuying the same shit with the same content at full price every couple of years. Nintendo has you covered there. Other devs aim a bit higher and don't just dust off the past and give it a new coat of paint.

unironically fpbp

Cloud had to do gay shit in this part of the original as well. They just replaced it with different gay shit.

There is no such thing as a 'remaster' in videogames.

I know that the Crash Bandicoot guys referred to their game as a remaster, but what they made was a remake. Not a remaster.

FF7 remake is not a remake. It's a reboot.

Are you sure they weren't talking about the original? Aside from Andrea's line to Cloud after the crossdressing, there wasn't much gay about this version.

Okay, find one piece of official media saying that it's not the same story.
If you can't find it, then this is a fucking scam.

Just played through this a couple nights ago.
Cloud gets a handjob and it’s hilarious. Wall Market was a lot of fun and just as silly as the original.

It's still a scam.
They sold it as "the same story", and most people bought it expecting the same story, and every single one of em is getting scammed.

I was disappointed we didn't get to meet Zax or take a bath with the buff guys.

I remember when back when that trailer dropped how people were going nuts about how much more gayer it is and all that (I guess having that vocal song in the trailer made the whole scene appear more "serious" in tone?). I bailed out around that time, guess the reactions after the game came out weren't that bad?

>same shit with the same content

Stop fucking perpetuating this retarded lie. NO ONE wanted the same exact game remade, just the same STORY. Only the most hardcore of autists had a problem with the gameplay changes.

>You are 'purist'
Imagine living in a society where that deemed pure is ridiculed.

I didn't like Advent Children, I didn't like Dirge of Cerebrus, I didn't like Crisis Core. Will I like Remake?

It’s not a scam and if you knew it wasn’t a 1:1 remake and still bought it, you didn’t get scammed, you’re just an idiot. There’s nothing you can do to get your neetbux back.

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Who are you quoting?

Just reached Train Graveyard, how long do I have? Guessing i'm almost done, around 75%?

this, but unironically.
not played the new one btw and probably never will.

It's confusing to me how words like remake or remaster seem to have completely different meanings now. It used to be pretty fucking simple before. If you take an already existing game, port it to a new platform, and improve its assets, you remastered it. If you make a completely new game from scratch using an existing game as a blueprint, you remade it.

I cannot beat Jules in the pull-up challenge to save my damn life.


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I didn't bought it, but i seem many, many, many MANY people that didn't knew it was not a 1:1 remake.
Everyone that is not on Yas Forums or specific youtube channels basically don't know the truth about the game.

There's not a single piece of marketing coming from square enix that informs that it's not a 1:1
So it's a fucking scam.

How many pull-ups you usually do against ''him''?

>muh same story
Remake does not mean it will be a word for word copy paste of the original script.

It also doesn't imply removing what made the original great and replacing it with a rejected Kingdom Hearts script.

I'm a boomer with old man reflexes and I did it on my third try. Are you perhaps playing on a shitty TV/monitor with bad latency?

Nope, but changing the outcome of the story completely is telling a different story, and it's fine to tell a different story, as long you tell the people buying your game that is a different story, which is something square enix didn't did.
It's a scam.

Turns out the story is even better

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Jesus fucking Christ, these sound like the same shit people said when The Last Jedi came out.

It's still a scam.
Marketing as something, but sell something else.

And If you insert your fanfiction bullshit its a reboot. I agree.

>This is a remake you wanted a remaster
Nope I knew there was going to be some changes but not KH nonsense that feel out of place
>You can always play the original
Sure I can but that doesn't mean we can't voice our opinions
>The conversation is much more interesting now that we don't now what's next
Sure but did we really need the spooky ghosts to do that? Why couldn't they have been more subtle about it? Did we really need time travel?
>You are 'purist' you were always going to complain
I had a open mind going into the game and to be fair the game is still pretty good thanks to the gameplay
>Nomura isn't the writer
I agree the guy shouldn't be blamed for everything

There is NO reason for this story to exist within the framework of FFVII. It is its own story, and the fact that these people, the people who wrote the original for fucks sake, want to tell it in this context is mind-boggling. This should have been its own game, a Final Fantasy XVI. Not a FFVII "Remake",

>>This is a remake you wanted a remaster
Learn English. And no. This is an Advent Children prequel. It isn't FF7.

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