>I play as elves because they're superior, like me. Dwarves are for neckbeards
I play as elves because they're superior, like me. Dwarves are for neckbeards
Chads plays a minotaur.
Brad plays a dwarf.
Faggot plays a human.
Tiny dick plays a paladin.
Coolbro plays a wizard.
Virgin plays elf.
Gigachad plays shaman.
i always pick gnomes and half-lings because they are funny. dwarves are cool but everyone chooses 'em.
So would a human shaman be a Tiny Dick Gigachad?
When I say human I mean regular human with no powers or special potion/artifact crafting potential.
Was probably a mistake doe.
>well, yes I've played as a red lizard in DOS2 because part of my skin is red and I loose it too
>I only play beast races.
I play elves because their women are heckin' cute
Most games have internal balance. They have set points and stats that get allocated based on choices you make during character creation. A human that doesn't have powers or special potions and artifacts will often get a point dump in another category where they excel as a result. As such, even a plain human will still be viable if the game isn't designed like total ass.
>Me? I just pick the race with the best racial bonuses for the build I want to go with.