Funny how Japanese games are dominating this year

Funny how Japanese games are dominating this year

DOOM Eternal and Alyx are pretty much forgotten

What makes people to discuss Japanese games over western ones?

Attached: 1587822032162.jpg (684x855, 157.04K)

why do you always post this wannabe japanese mexican bitch?

Cute girl! May I cum to her?

Attached: V.png (22x21, 4.93K)


Western games have no value beyond being a flavor of the week. Japanese games are the only ones that have ever mattered.

Are you gay?

>DOOM Eternal and Alyx are pretty much forgotten

no but if you're gonna post threads about japanese superiority over western games at least post some cute japanese girls instead

Attached: anri.jpg (1200x900, 145.53K)

She is japanese though. An a beautiful one at that

Low t

no this is

Attached: Cute-Japanese-girl-iphone-6-plus-wallpaper.jpg (1080x1920, 486.16K)


Not really, OP's girl is way cuter and more japanese than that.

already forgotten

You're on an image board that revels in big eyes and same-face cartoons. Of course Japanese games will be endlessly shilled here. They aren't bad games, but this board really focuses on them because weebs.
Outside of Yas Forums, western games still get plenty of love and discussion while the Japanese games are seen as more niche.
And that's honestly fine, people will go where they find the discussions they want to have.

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I'm sorry but she's just too cute with her big kissable nose

mmm ya nice pusy

spics have nothing better to do than shitpost

Why is Yas Forums so full of subhuman EOPs who never been to Japan yet act like experts on it?

they don't all use the same photo realistic dude bro gaming is serious art direction that will age poorly.

Sorry i don't see any weeb shit games dominating anywhere.
So Cope more you incel

Buggy piece of trash

Japan has made consistent progress in terms of games whereas the west has regressed significantly

Yas Forums is full of experts on every single field imaginable.

What exactly has japan produced this year?


In Japanese games gameplay is important and in western games its narrative.

Like in Nier Automata the story and the gameplay are super interwoven, these are not separate things. In Western games gameplay can be seen as a little bit of an afterthought.

Another thing about western discussion is you can't talk games in the west without coomers, trannies, sjw's, poltards and any other idiot diluting the conversation about games, using Nier Automata again it would devolve into a porn thread immediately, in other places discussions would degrade into 2B being a sex icon. These are western perspectives, people complain about objectification in the west because Americans literally do that, even SJW's, burgers can't help themselves, they are literally too low IQ to enjoy a piece of media for its best qualities. Americans are just so corrupt and inept that they have no purpose and so they form these crazy fandoms to give it to them, so too they corrupt all pieces of media they come into contact with.

Another thing is that in the west most people don't even beat their games, and twitch streaming is a thing. in the west video games are literally movies, stories that twitch streamers are telling their audience rather than a story that the player is unraveling themselves.

TLDR Americans can't into video games because they have they dumb and have no taste, this goes for all media in the west too, its all gone to shit. Fine art, comics, animation, you name it, the worst part is its spreading and has been spreading to all cultures. Good luck making something legitimately beautiful, people will want to destroy it. Wanna make something fun? No fun allowed.

Have you ever tried getting off Yas Forums?

>Trying to get on a high horse with Nier Automata of all things, the creator of which himself admitted that 2B looks the way she does because it is sexy

Attached: Hilarious.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

That’s a man.

This, after being ignored by everyone for being so forgettable this just happens.

Instead of calling them names can you argue and prove them wrong? If you can' then I don't think you have the right to say that.

You have my permission user, go right ahead

Yeah, mostly due to crippling autism and isolation.

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This is some spic slut, not a Japanese girl.

The reason this fate tranny keeps posting this garbage is because you retards always reply

>this year

OP is a ban evading spammer just report him.

Why is she singing into a twig?

Half Life Alyx is probably the favourite to win GotY and I don't even have a VR headset

>this year

Attached: 2019.png (1669x1700, 1.06M)

>reporting works guys
>he can only evade so many times
you dont understand how internet works

Just because you choose to ignore stuff, doesn't mean they don't exist

user are you stupid? Op knows that girl isn't Japanese, he keeps posting the thread to laugh at you aspies.

And I laugh at him being a subhuman weeaboo.

how would one do that? asking for me

>this game I didn't play is really good
holy fuck, user

>What makes people to discuss Japanese games over western ones?
People here talking about how good japanese games are and how much they love nintendo have autism.
The spic nintendo mod has autism.

lmao you are actually autistic I can spell it out for you and you'll still be baited for years to come

Japs don't give a shit about the mentally ill.

About to just filter japanese and just be done with it. It's literally only used to shitpost