Sexual harassment is okay if a woman does it

>Sexual harassment is okay if a woman does it
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only if she's hot

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Why did Hackmura turn her into a thirsty whore? She was a shy and demure nerd in the original game.

She was only in the original game for like two hours, she barely had a personality

It's not sexual harassment unless you tell them to stop and they keep doing it.

it's not harassment if she's good looking

>just grab her tit bro, she didn't say no yet

And yet she got more personality in those 2 hours than in the entirety of this train wreck were she got turned into a failed actress craving for cocks for some retarded reason.

>Defend this
I'll let my dick do the talking (in her mouth).

You must be a gay fucking faggot if you feel violated by a woman 'sexually harassing' you. Nigger, you a man, you have a dick for a reason.

Cloud told her to stop multiple time.

Women and men aren't the same. Same standards don't apply.

based simps defending harassment because they get a grain of pussy


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makes my dick hard

This, Jessie just burned Aeris personality too fast than when you reach Aeris she feels less unique

absolutely wrong you contrarian, when have you ever seen a fucking Jessie thread PRE remake

Almost like men and women aren't equivalent.

OP, do you get upset that children get to nap in the middle of the day?
Do you get upset that dogs don't have to be employed to get their food?

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Nah, you're just a contrarian hipster faggot. She may not be a good character in the remake, but she's hardly a character at all in the original, she had zero character development. She was a generic NPC that you had no reason to care about when she died.

fuck off vinny

Carlos in RE3 Remake was exactly the same and everyone was thirsty over him

Confirmed to not have pmayed the og


This is a standard to which both sexes agree.

Yeah of course it is. The game of sexual pursuit is asymmetric, get over it tranny

>is okay if a woman does it
You mean "Is okay if someone hot does it"
That is literally how it has always been. Chad Chaddington can hit on girls as much as he likes while making it look smooth, charismatic, and acceptable. Fat, balding, acne-ridden man hits on a woman and he is a creepy perv. Unless the Chad guy literally rapes someone then pretty much anything he does is cool. It is the same with attractive women.

Cloud's entire schtick is saying 'No' while his body says 'Yes.'

She wants the cock

Sexual harassment is legitimately okay if the guy or girl (lol) is hot.

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>it's not sexual harassment to shove your cock inside a woman on the subway as long as you stop when she screams

Good to know.


Honestly if you get that far without being told no it should be legal.

>Cloud canonically was annoyed by her advances and found her desperate
>everyone acts like her flirting was cute

baka desu desu senpai

Who cares she's dead

Men are inherently extremely self destructive. They enforce a "culture" of machoism where you're a homosexual bitch if you aren't fine with being molested by a random woman. It's that same mentality that lets female predators off the hook after raping a boy, because the boy "should be enjoying it" according to other men.

it's only ok if a pretty woman does it*

Aerith can actually banter with Cloud unlike Jessie so they're really not that much alike.

i regularly have dreams where i'm a juvenile and a hot adult woman forces herself on me

Ya, this shit is pathetic. You will always get the retards commenting "nice" or "where were these teachers when i was in school?" Dumb fucks.

that's hot


>Failed actress who can't shake off her former life psychologically of acting her butt off or ingratiating herself onto another person to dissociate herself from her current problems of bombing the shit out of people


>Demure nerdy girl who starts to fall for you after you save her life who secretly can't forgive herself for bombing reactors and thinks everything to them is due course

Remake just has a better character, this is coming from someone who played the original.

Thanks to the time line bull shit, you know we're going to see her again at the Gold Saucer living a different successful life either way.

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It makes my dick hard

*attractive woman

Despite this cloud himself isn't as receptive to her as aerith or tifa

>failed actress
She purposely dropped out of acting because her dad was in a coma.