How many have you had smashed?
Nioh 2 Thread
>page 10
Yeah nah
Tea utensil farming is the best way to earn money, right?
Anyone else have fan problems with this on ps4 pro? When I was creating my character my console fan was louder than my TV, it got a little better in game but not by much. I had to stop playing because I couldn't hear it let alone focus. Forced to wait for PC/PS5. It has to just be me console right?
I’ve never had these fan problems with my pro and I’ve had it since launch, so no idea.
Only game I’ve had it go crazy on was the notorious H:ZD map screen
What graphics mode are you using?
3kat chad here
It happened to me yesterday
This guy looks so gay
Is that why you couldn't resist making a post about him?
I'll save waifus put in their place and post them
Kasha thot
That’s what happens when you indulge your inner weeb too much and have access to superior nihongo steel with a million folds
>this fag again
The 60fps one.
>This slut again
Ryona user
Still some missing, if someone has something post it, except bailey
I'm getting thay shit noise with both movie and action mode
I don't know what the fuck did they do to make it sound like that, the other day I finally got that jet engine noise and I was thinking my ps4 was going to blow up
May want to try using compressed air and giving it a deep clean, or if you are brave open the console up and replace the thermal paste or even the fan.
Thanks kind user
On my way to get more >yasakani
What's your standard greeting?
For me its Roar into Play Dead x10 into How's That? into Pray.
Only other games I've had it happen was Doom 2016 and God of War. Just played through FF7R and couldn't hear the fans at all. I feel like it's one of those things that some people just have a higher tolerance for and will say "fine for me ". I'm sure it's not just us.
This is a well known issue with the game user, character creator and blacksmith being the biggest offenders
Yes, I also own a PS4 Pro and this shit has been happening on pretty much any graphics-intensive game recently. It's particularly bad in FF7R when you go spend SP upgrading your weapons. I'm too much of a pussy to open up my PS and clean the dust off the fans / apply new thermal paste because I fucked up my regular old PS4 by doing that.
Roar into backflip ofcourse.
I have opened the case and cleaned the fan at a surface level, and it wasn't even dusty at all anyway. I'd rather not break the PS4 entirely by going further. I'll just wait for the PC version or play it on PS5.
Spam roar, overjoyed and play dead, sometimes oh no and scared
When I play with the onifu I also use backflip
Show us your damage numbers
Wave and then thumbs up, followed by a roar if they're nice.
I didn’t know, mea culpa
It’s not something I’ve had issues with so I’ve not looked into it.
Odd that certain menus/sub areas in games seem to ramp up the fans on some systems
Wait... wait Danjo THAT'S THE WRO-
High five of course. How else are you supposed to forge the bonds of camaraderie?
I didn't had issues until two days ago too
Once it happens you'll notice it, it gets really loud, like it's going to explode
I haven’t played N2 for a few days myself so I’ll have to give it a try later, it wasn’t something a patch messed up was it? Didn’t 1.08 drop a little while ago?
I'm begging for an answer to this. I don't trust people on Gamefaqs or Reddit to not misinterpret the question and give a false answer.
I bought the bog-standard normal Nioh on PS4 a while ago. For some reason, the Complete Edition is on sale, but none of the DLC for the original game is. It would be cheaper to buy the entire complete edition than the DLC for the original.
If I buy the Complete Edition, will it accept my save file from the original game?