Riveting gameplay

Riveting gameplay

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They're jap, they can't into games or game design.

Name one video game right now.

yeah Yas Forumsro, better make another gay nigger etika low tier god or vinesauce giant bomb gamegrumps shill thread because they're /ourguys/ kek


Space Cadet.

You named two, you failed.

Elite "n-word" Miko

the intelligence of vtuber fans everyone you should of included something about wojaks too

I named one, Space Cadet.
Minesweeper is a mindset.

>women are so terrible even autistic chinamen with anime avatars are more popular

Tell me about this Rabbit.

Attached: Usada_Pekora_-_Portrait.png (720x720, 351.98K)

keep seething westcuck simp

dumb rabbit

She's a small girl.

korone says nigger


Terrible character design

Here's how to properly design your avatar

Attached: MelodyCoverWP.jpg (1066x598, 123.44K)


pekora is a tittymonster irl

This is a very generic design bro. It's just the kind of thing you'd get in some pack of 3D models.

This dragon confuses me. Is she American?

Attached: yo72ME2.jpg (850x1171, 194.92K)

Wake me up when >she does porn.

Okay that's fucking messed up

she's crazy and she hates the Chinese

yeah and we're getting hololive EN probably around next year, they started auditions
can't wait for some western roastie whore to ruin hololive like the indonesian shitskins did when they doxxed themselves day one

her accent doesn't give it away? She sounds like a southerner trying to speak Japanese

Damn I am going to watch her videos now.

She's Japanese, I think she just lived overseas with her family for a while. She does makeup streams on her real channel and she's pure blooded Asian.

check out coco's personal channel kson on air

Based and redpilled squirrel not doxxing herself and asking for lewds carrying ID.

>she hates the Chinese
Eh, who doesn't now.

>Hololive EN

Why would you RUIN it Yagoo you dumb faggot.

How far did Pekora get in MGS2?

matsuri is 1000 away from 300k subs
posting korone's old channel
she's been posting archives of her old niconico vids on youtube recently
heard aqua hates korone or something, they never collabed or interacted whatsoever

>talking about intelligence
>says "should of" instead of "should have"

No butt, stupid hair, retarded clothes, try again

Why do they hate each other? Standard girl drama?

It's going to be played pretty safe, at worst they might accidentally employ idiots like Haato.

globalism, money
just look at how much nijisanji expanded into foreign markets
can't wait for some western roastie drama to crash the plane with no survivors

recommend me a vtuber playing ff7r that isnt miko

>around next year
It'll probably be in 2 months or so.

Sounds more like /jp/ meme drama.


Damn Coco Looks like THAT?

Attached: 1587738253426.gif (600x338, 1.56M)

No, at worst they'll employ idiots like the Indonesian idiots they already have only worse because they're American. Just look at the American VYs that already exist and how they're all fucking drama whores.