Look Ma, I made a video game! I'm an Unreal Engine deyvayloper now!

>Look Ma, I made a video game! I'm an Unreal Engine deyvayloper now!

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He didn't just make a game. He made prime cunny, which is art.

This game was better than Mario Odyssey.

he made a game for lolicon without making it obvious it's for lolicon

Attached: CJOgZT0VAAAEI-i.jpg (1405x2032, 314K)

She killed billions of sperm...

Expect unpolished, glitchy and poorly optimized

Game is mega ass.

If you didn't like a Hat in Time you've got a stick up your ass 24/7.

what are the best loli bodies?
The ones that are flat with no hips?
Or the ones that have some breast fat and are kinda curvy with hips.

But is it a boy or a girl? That's the real question

It's a girl, or possibly some alien with a sex incomprehensible to humans.


Attached: A Hat in Time Screenshot 2020.04.25 - (2560x1440, 1.18M)


Attached: A Hat in Time Screenshot 2020.04.25 - (2560x1440, 1.16M)

>what are the best loli bodies?
>the bodies that are loli
>or bodies that aren't loli

>Game has a shit joke hidden away in a secret room, for secret rift portal an optional timepiece.
Haha gottem

>look ma, I bought a house!

Capitalism is not necessarily democracy, look at China.

Cope Yas Forumstard

wtf I love a hat in time now

Ship Shape is the one thing I can't deal with and I love A Hat in Time 10,000% otherwise.

Yes, that's all it takes. Any questions?

I like the game but I think it's visually very weak even for its budget

show me one glitch

Doesnt this game have tranny shit? Kys tranny

You mean tech-wise, right? The art direction is pretty strong.

Yes, they get to tell their parents that they made a beloved game that sold over a million copies. What do you get to tell your mother, user?

Unironically based.
Fuck (((capitalism))) and fuck consoomers.

Attached: whale.jpg (593x537, 124.7K)

I got stuck in geometry and was forced to restart at least 3 times

Attached: A Hat in Time Screenshot 2020.04.22 - (2560x1440, 2.26M)

Namely the lack of a material system, no bump mapping, no parallax occlusion, it isn't hard to tell it's UE3

I can't wait for hat game 2.

I did not like Alpine Incline, but everything else was fine, just got to finish going through deathwish.

There's a fair bit of slow-down on the switch version, PS4/PC might be all right

Mafia town is really ugly and in general the art direction seems muddled. Plain colors game uses feels like it lacks celshading

fucking based

I don't like the devs working on AHIT