So this is the power of XCOM


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woah, that's a powerful message, we need more of this
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

wow. That's...uhhh...some top-tier writing.


powerful. the present is female.

Why would anyone ever say that, in any universe?
Spread your agenda as much as you want, but at least do it in a more natural way. Not even the staunchest of feminists would not find this jarring and consider it blatant pandering.

women in the video game industry was a mistake


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I've seen ren'py visual novels with better 2D art styles

Neither of those characters are Torque, where is Torque? Why are you reading dialogue that is not Torque's or related to Torque?

since noone compliments by saying "You fight like a man" im pretty sure the joke is the ayy is misspeaking the saying.

Didn't you guys know that Mutons have a matriarchal society where females rule and govern everything?
Only weak males were enslaved by Elders, the females resisted their control and fought for survival of their world and won.
You can read a comic about on official site.

muton women are bigger and badder than the males, they're berserker
but they are definitely not calm they wreck shit

i knew it
the screenshots, promo images, trailers and even the background wallpapers on the storage page featured nothing but poc with disabilities
i knew that was all they had
-50% off on release lmao

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Say :clap: it :clap: again :clap: for :clap: the :clap: people :clap: on :clap: the :clap: back!

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This makes sense when you realize that the muton women are the berzerkers.

Fucking lorelets
This is a female muton

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Wow! That's like deep and stuff! Have an upboat kind stranger!

>if they made a comic saying bradford was actually a black woman in disguise thanks to alien technology, people would accept that as gospel too
>just eat up all the shit like a good little baby
sounds like a load of faggy shit to me
in eu/ew it was established they just flew around subjugating races effortlessly looking for a suitable vessel for "the gift" and if they failed, putting them to other uses
but wait! it was all just a simulation and not real!
ethereals are really female and all sorts of other bullshit pandering is now the norm and there's nothing you can do about it, bigot!
yeah i'm thinking fuck this series lol, the only reason i kept going back to xcom2 was the character pool and memes anyway

The joke is Muton women were the berserkers in prior games and now they're no longer mentally enslaved they're still genetically enhanced killing machines but are also rational and efficient soldiers.

Like it's literally the most basic subversion of expectations style punchline, you think he means it as an insult but ha-ha Muton women are walking tanks so culturally its a compliment from him.

For fuck's sake you're such prissy little cunts about the SLIGHTEST things.

>muton berserkers
>calm under pressure


>disregard the fact the autopsy for the muton berserker in that game mentions no female characteristics and instead goes on to talk about the insane amount of muscular engineering, chemicals and stimulants found inside the body making it reach that permanent state of rage
>or the fact some buzzfeed comic book college dropout cuck wrote the story and it was "approved" with an official tick by people who didn't even create the original franchise
you'd swallow anything wouldn't you

nah mate, it's straight indoctrination.

To be fair berzerkers get buff when they get shot

>"You fight like a woman! xD"
Remember when that used to be an insult?

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>no white people


They also break cover and run at their shooter.

Devs confirmed Berserkers are the females.

"Thats jarring. In human society women fight irrationally for no reason and give up once you backhand them when they try to attack you on your fortnite stream."

>Berzerker QUEEN

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What? There's clearly one third to the left.

The muton looks like that realist 3D Homer Simpson.

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>what are two bold white guys

Holy fuck and I thought the game being pozzed was a joke. Clearly, not. Fuck this game and fuck all their future games.

>literally the most basic subversion of expectations style punchline
>most basic

Yup that's what I want in a game

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>with disabilities
are you making things up as you go along? You better not be.


White people run the show and don't even need to raise a finger.

Everyone understood the "joke". Everyone also understood the propaganda, that is except you


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>For fuck's sake you're such prissy little cunts about the SLIGHTEST things.
We should print that on our money.

I agree women should be put on the frontlines, I hope they like it

I thought this was fanart.
What an embarrassment.

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Having more combat drugs on your sistem than blood does that to you.

what's with the retarded muton eyes, it's in the promo pics too

It still is. That's why it's clearly used as joke there, you autist.

>people paid money for this


get the fuck out of here leftist enabler piece of shit

The game honestly feels like some sort of an 'enhanced' mobile port.
I mean, those breach mechanics and moving between small separate locations in a small amount of time instead of long missions kind of reminds me of mobile games.

>subversion of expectations

name one(1) female from all of human history other than that delusional cunt jean d'arc or make believe mulan that an alien could legitimately read about when trying to learn about humans and come away with "fighting like a girl" means "fearless, calm under pressure, and inspirational"

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Is their any Mexican teammates need to know before I leave a review offended


This was a good opportunity for a joke given Muton women are fucking berserkers.

Absolutely based rationalist Chad

His own females who are the most dangerous Mutons in XCOM?


it's all so tiresome

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thank you, muton who was given those eyes as to not offend human sensibilities as much

Catherine the Great, Russian snipers during WW2, Empress Wu, Maggie Thatcher in the Falklands War.

Why is my favorite series being raped like this?

Yas Forums being obsessed with politics? Yeah, it really is.

>canonize snaek brothels
>make them flashchests
Pick a fucking lane.

Where are white ppl

>why is my series about unified globalism being raped with unified globalism
the absolute cope of Yas Forumsniggers lmao

>n-no it was never about globalism because i refused funding from the african continent and didn't use black soldiers

It makes sense for mutons because their strongest are females such as berserkers

Subversion of expectations is literally one of the foundations of comedy you smoothbrained fucking Yas Forums retards.

Just because Hollywood triggered you by ruining whatever trashy pulp fiction film series or tv show you're overly emotionally invested in for the sake of subversion doesn't mwan it is somehow universally bad.

Empress Wu is a shitty cunt

Welcome to the club, man.

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That's some actual cringe writing

abolish white men

It is not the only series that getting ass rape.
ALL the popular gaming series are getting pozz and aids for the sakes of virtua signaling.

remember stonetoss's comic about selling burger?

>snaketits has a stacy voice
what the fuck

>why is my series about unified globalism
Wait what? I thought this was a series about killing aliens? Are you sick?

They lasted for almost 30 years, that's impressive. I mean, lot of fans died before witness the total decline.


My favorite lefty wet dream goes all the way back to 2004 with The Day After Tomorrow. Global warming actually causes a new ice age so now Americans have to cross into Mexico illegally to stay warm.
>see, you'll know just how all these poor Mexican immigrants feel once this scenario we made up occurs

Every vidya IP made before 2006 is either dead or exists to be raped, user

The only reason people are trying to say that it's a joke is because they don't want to imagine the kind of simp that would write that seriously (which is what happened).

>remember stonetoss
>actually reading stonetoss
Quickest way to tell everyone you're a retard who can't think for themselves.

>fearless, calm, inspiring
What are virtues completely absent in women for 500 Alex?

"a big bad threat appearing out of nowhere and unifying the world" is literally globalist jerkoff material, you retard. lmao he's been playing leftist propaganda all this time but was too smoothbrain to even realise it. gollop is a leftycuck.

Oh fuck off, its a joke on the "you fight like a girl" bantz but they say the opposite. People like you are as bad as the fucks you complain about where they take an obvious joke out of context and treat it with complete sincerity, they KNOW its a joke, but it fits their narrative to treat it seriously. You either cant understand a really basic joke or really are offended at a joke, both are some playdough spined shit user, untuck it.

Are you the kind of person that gets offended at jokes like "I like my coffee like I like my men. Strong and black" or "I like my tea like I like my wine. Young and full of sugar", like, you know its a joke, but you get offended and start talking about the shape of peoples skulls and crime rates and consider calling the police that you are talking to a pedophile.


ok incel, what do YOU run? nothing

>I thought this was a series about killing aliens?
By uniting the nations of the world under one banner, yes. Did you entirely forget that part of the game because it doesn't fit your narrative?