You were the bad guy all along

>you were the bad guy all along

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He destroyed Thanos, do debate.

>tfw you realize that you probably doomed the entire human race to extinction

Thanos' lines were weak, it wasn't fair.

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>the bad guy is yourself from the furniture

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>If you say why not bomb them tomorrow, I say why not today? If you say today at five o' clock, I say why not one o' clock?
There's two types of man.

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They should go back to testing nukes and let people pay to spectate.

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Morality is subjective

humanity would get to that eventually

Nah. Nuclear bombs are the reason why big conflicts don't happen anymore.
The birth control pill however. . .

But racism and misogyny is objectively bad.

>But racism
is the reason why you're not brown and beating your chained-to-the-kitchen-wife now for not feeding your 13 kids properly after you return from the mosque.
is the reason why you're not living in a grass hut.

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holy kino

Thanks for killing me

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NP, next time chill on the nationalism, or we wont think twice about firebombing you into oblivion a 2nd time you gooks.


The rivalry with the US, and the breakup of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, was caused by imperialist tensions over spheres of influence in Asia/Pacific. And, nationalism =/ jingoism if that's the point you are making.

i will always resent not having been born early enough to enjoy an atomic test view party in las vegas

He knew what he was doing

i WISH i could live in a grass hut, and not have to worry about paying the big jew his rent and/or property taxes

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Hunter gatherer lifestyle was kino. maybe she's got a point.

Retard it had nothing to do with nationalism.

I always recruit Dorothea and Petra when playing other routes, they don't deserve to be bundled in with this turbocunt

>The birth control pill however. . .
??? Overpopulation is by far a larger issue than a bunch of people deciding to fuck without getting pregnant

>unironic MAD boomer

>tfw you realize that you literally saved the human race from extinction

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Racism and misogyny exist because of mankind's reliance on stereotype for interpreting the world. For example, when I say "picture a tiger", what color is the tiger you picture? That you didn't picture a white siberian tiger is an example of a semantic stereotype, and is an important technology for survival. Racism and misogyny likewise emerge from the same use of stereotype, which (like the tiger example) is invariably rooted in objective reality, though exceptions naturally occur.

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What do you know about that?

There's no debate, just that fact

someone post the Truman quote

"were not bad , were just doing our job"

>make thread
>not vidya