What are games that do "going fast" right?

What are games that do "going fast" right?

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Need for speed burnout

Also she has the body shape of a tictac

Oh right, the olympics were supposed to be this year

Mirror's Edge


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this chicks ass is honestly something else

gfycat com/lastcomfortableassassinbug


Rayman Origins/Legends

>weighs more than I do

VR game called To the Top feels fast. Probably not really going that fast but in VR it feels fast.

Wipeout 2097

And water is wet

F zero gx.
No other answer is as good as this one.

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feck off mutt

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mijn neger

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can confirm, to the top is probably the best parkour game out there and when you finally click and catch some momentum the game gets insane

better version

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>tfw no good acrobatic games

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superflight feels fun with downward gliding and going between small areas

into the trash


female vs male brain

unironically steep
people shit on this game (def not worth full price) but its a fucking gem for how cheap you can get it

f-zero x

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Quake, I play as Sorlag

Game was so shit I got it for free with the Japan Olympic Expansion.
Only retards bought the game.

Steep just makes me miss SSX

Mario Kart Double Dash

Dirt Rally
inb4 kikemaster yada yada if you actually dont suck at video games and are a bit patient its a blast

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The way you are able to turn in mid air like that irks me

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Jutta Sletdam more like.

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One of the first games I ever rented for my N64. Good times

titanfall 2

air-braking is a neat mechanic and adds some depth

>Tribes wasn't the first post

Fucking RIP, makes me cry every day that this game died and now it's already fading into obscurity