Wake up

>wake up
>see XC2 thread
what do?

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Point out that XBC1 and XBCX were both good games, and XBC2 wasn't

silence discord tranny

XC1 yes
XCX lol no

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Speak english! I don't understand south UK talk!

>donates to gookmoot
>calling anyone based

I cry because I don't own a Switch then go back to playing X on Cemu

Thanks for the love

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At least you're playing the better game.

haven't one of you retards in ages

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X is still good but worse than 1 and 2

and the same to you, ESL-kun.


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lol X is the best one.
Excellent map to explore, controllable mechs, less annoying story and characters, more freedom and less gating with stupid fucking gacha and field skills

X is the only Blade that deserves to be called a successor to Xenogears.

X has worst soundtrack, worst characters and worst story

its usually not good for business to cater to pedophiles

Give it a few years

They're drawings user, do you also call fans of shooter games murderers?

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>This is what Xeno has been reduced to
How sad

That's not relevant to my post. I just asked if he drew conclusions based on pixels in a game.

ok fag

ok coomer

have you tried stop being gay?

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t. no taste pleb
the ost in X is great.

have you tried to stop cooming 15 times a day?

ok discord tranny

too old
tits too big

I liked everything in xc2 other than the combat. They should've kept it like xc1 or just make it a generic turn based game.

I never used discord once in my life lmao

have you tried to dilate?

have you tried to have sex?

Go into DE blind if you haven't played the original. No need to look up guides, after all part of the fun is figuring out what to do and trying out your way to play.

but the combat in 2 is the most complex

*stacks orbs*

no thank

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I wonder what Takahashi could have done differently to make anons obsess over Melia, Fiora and Sharla as much as they have obsessed over Pyra, Mythra and Nia.

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In XbX, there is only so much BP you can get from exploring. Is there a non tedious way of getting more? Doing the training sim quests over and over hurts.

Reminder that the Xeno games were ALWAYS anime and XC's definitive edition has the superior character designs.

>actually admitting you're a normalfag

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Yas Forums is an incel board, go back

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Simple, hire a hentai artist with sameface issues, make the MC a bland self insert shota, and have cringe out of place sexual scenes.