Change my mind

This game console is basically dog shit. Every 3rd party game is inferior AND more expensive. Its community literally consists of kids, nu-males and mentally ill people (trannies, furries, faggots and many more). Everytime a 10 years old game is released full price Nintendo fans buy it and tell you it's the best game.

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why do you feel the need to complain about it? because you cant get one for under 1000$?


You didn't come here to get your mind changed, you came to get people to agree with you so you won't feel bad about not having one.

buying Nintendo consoles for third party are you braindamaged user

The full price is actually unacceptable, RE2 came out last year and sells low on sales yet Nintendo still fucking sell BOTW at full price on both versions.
Honestly though with a PC its hard to want a switch to play old games when they're just a click away

I bouvht this so my 4 yo and 2 yo can play kid games with me. Its great for that. Why did you buy it?

Full price because Nintendies are willing to pay this. Can you imagine?

How many Switch threads have you made today user?

I bought a cheap laptop with a 950m 250$ and I can play real games on the go don't buy this toy

>Buying a Nintendo for 3rd party games
>Letting the audience influence you that much

i wont buy this crap unless it gets more and better exclusive games

You buy a switch for the nintendo games though user. The system is worth it alone for Animal Crossing, Smash, FE:3H and BotW. I just wish Sword and Shield wasnt so completely mediocre. Nintendo's real crime has always been their retarded DLC prices. Why am I buying a £50 game, only to see EXPANSION PASS! £27! every single fucking time?

Why does Sword and Shield have the expansion pass fucking tacked onto the menu screen so I see it every time I open up my bag? Is this a F2P or a £50 game? Why are characters locked behind paywalls in FE:3H?

Thats what makes me really angry desu

but it's portable

Enjoy your ban while I have to filter out 10 tranimal crossing threads at any given time.

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Imagine still seething about the switch 3 years later.

That's why i have a hacked one

How much soi have you ingested today?

>consider getting one to play pirated indieshit and emulate psp in bed
>even though i know i will barely touch it
>price skyrockets
guess it is what it is

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OP here. I have a hacked Switch that I bought when it released. The only good 1st party games on this console are BOTW, FE and Mario games.
Animal Crossing is a game for children and women. You can play with your kids but if you play it alone you're either a manchild or a tranny.

You can play BOTW on any decent pc



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I dont think kids have the attention span to play animal crossing

This is why you always hack nintendo consoles

this is the least objective assessment of a console I’ve ever seen. you either get one for Nintendo software or you don’t, nobody cares about the hardware

No you always emulate Nintendo and hack sony

I'll challenge your thoughts bro
>This game console is basically dog shit.
From the perspective you get inside the box you are most likely correct however..
>Every 3rd party game is inferior AND more expensive
if you look outside the box, start looking at the hacked switch perspective, you now get to play all your favorite games port-ably if you feel like it.
To add to it, a hacked switch is the best portable emulation machine you can get at this point price-performance wise
you can play everything up to n64/psp and then a bunch of ps2 era ports released commercially for the switch (like dmc) and even modern AAA games (BoTW, MK11, DBFZ, Withcer 3 etc.)
if you feel in the right to moral fag, feel free, but if you already bought the old ass games at some point before, then playing them natively on the switch would be barely any different that streaming from pc in android mode
yes you can boot android on a hacked switch and use it in all the ways android allows, for example playing the best ports of sonic games

All this considered a hacked switch is the best option for portable gaming period in 2020
and if you don't care about portable gaming, then don't fight the switch, since you're not the audience
>Its community literally consists of kids, nu-males and mentally ill people (trannies, furries, faggots and many more). Everytime a 10 years old game is released full price Nintendo fans buy it and tell you it's the best game.
If you need others peoples opinions, approval, screams and screeches to enjoy games then you have other problems to worry about than a console.
take a game you wanna play and enjoy it, don't indulge in what lesser beings talk about
>inb4 hacked switch so expensive uhhh
i payed 270 euro for mine 2 years ago and most would consider me a latefag already, guess you just have to know where to look, live

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I'm not that fucking poor user

Stop liking what I don't like. Stop it stop it stooooop iiiiit. I have severe autism and a very fragile ego so people not having the same opinions as me makes me scared, confused and angry.

I bought it christmas 2019, and it was already updated. Also I don't have so hard of an autism to get fucking special tools and cards and shit from amazon just to jailbreak it. I wish it was easier like plug to pc, copy and paste and done. That's why I loved the PSP.

"b-b-but 69 aint even much, just go to work" why would i buy a switch game for 70 when i can get the same game in ps4 for 15

No company gives a shit about the number of games or consoles sold. It's about maximizing revenue.

I like it :^)

My laptop would disagree since most games where also on wiiu and can be easily emulated.And the emulator will run on a toaster in 2y

You're based bro. I eventually reccomend you sell that ps4 along with the account for added value and buy a PC which is more expensive but every game becomes virtually 0$ and you also get a workstation

>tools and cards and shit from amazon just to jailbreak it.
you only need a piece of wire bro, or a paperclip
but pulling out a laptop out of your pocket while commuting to play ace attorney for 20 minutes does not sound reasonable

Why poor? Emulation can be very expensive if you want 4k 60fps.

>buy a PC which is more expensive but every game becomes virtually 0$ and you also get a workstation
Absolutely no interest in the PC meme, buying 1k+ rigs to play shitty pixel arts indie while having a superiority complex is not really my thing

xenoblade 2 is the only good jrpg this gen. worth it for that alone.

>tfw you have r5 3600 and rx 5700 only to get 48 fps in 4k BotW
I guess I'll play at 30 at least i wont get physics bugs right? :(

From what I saw you need some kind of hacked plastic to put on the switch and also a hacked memory card or some shit. Did some hackerbro find some way more easier to hack?

You know pulling out a laptop is less cringe... And laptops come in very small form factor if that's your problem.

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Because i can buy games for 15-20 bucks, i don't need to pirate every fucking console like i used to when i was a poor ass college student. The only one i do is nintendo because their pricing is retarded

Yeah, I bought one thinking all 3 Dark Souls would be ported to it, but we only got DaS 1.
Now it's collecting dust.
Odyssey was okay for a week but most of the nintenkiddie titles are really boring. Red Faction: Guerilla was a surprise port, but playing any kind of game where you have to aim with these joysticks feels like garbage, I don't know how noided out you have to be to play a shooter on a gamepad, let alone one as bad as the Switch.

But yeah, I just wanted good vidya to play on the train. Only got Dark Souls.

It also doesn't support Bluetooth headsets which is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I'm not buying a separate headset to switch between my bluetooth one I have on me for my phone.

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If i'll give you suck my dick, you will change your mind?

It's a Nintendo console. Its massive success due to kids needing to play the new Pokemon and normalfags playing Animal Crossing to kill time during coronavirus times doesn't change the fact Nintendo systems exist largely for first party games/exclusives and fuck all outside that

I play it on my laptop at 720p 30fps all the time.But I can hit 60 fps 4k with no problems with the 2080 at home