Why is Hunk the only Resident Evil hero who has the common sense to fully wear protective gear...

Why is Hunk the only Resident Evil hero who has the common sense to fully wear protective gear? Now I'll give a pass to the characters of the original 4 games since they all took place in such a short amount of time.

But Leon should have had something better than his stupid bomber jacket in Resident Evil 4. Chris DEFINITELY should have been fully protected in RE5. Everyone should have been decked out by Resident Evil 6.

Hunk appreciation thread, the only man who prepped proper for the shit that was going down.

Attached: da1macm-8bf3fb7f-4ccd-4b85-86a3-5db9b967d632.jpg (5500x1500, 2.72M)

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if you get caught the protective gear wont do shit
retarded redditor

why can't leon just step over a 30cm gap in library in resident evil 2?

These guys deal with monstrous spores and all sorts of crazy ass chemicals. If Wesker just trapped Chris in a room with mustard gas he'd fucked. Not based Hunk though.

>Leon should have had something better than his stupid bomber jacket in Resident Evil 4
He had no idea he was gonna have a serious gunfight. The plan was to just figure out Ashley's location and then wait for backup.
Besides, he might have had more serious hardware in the police car's trunk.

Chris and Sheva should've had more body armor and bigger guns for their arrest mission, true, but nobody's gonna wear a hazmat outfit in African heat unless they expect to need it.

Leon and Helena were protecting the president visiting high school in the first part, and were trying to keep a low profile and sneak into china for the second.

Sherry and Jake have no excuse in the first part except for Jake being poor maybe.

Chris and Piers wear body armor (or what passes for body armor in RE) but no hazmat, which makes sense when fighting J'avo. They didn't have time to get gas masks once the C-virus hit the scene.

The real question is

who is Hunk?

dunno why can't Jill climb over cars in 3?

Krausers brother.

main characters must be visible

Because it's a side effect of the virus they could've pevented if they weared masks. Notice how zombies can't just climb over tables and have to circle around to get you instead.