>Any other game
>Gets a few weeks and told to go to /vg/
>Fans agree and either go to /vg/ or limit it to a thread every now and then
>Nintendo game
>Constant generals allowed
>Tell them to take it to /vg/
There's fucking 3 Animal Crossing threads up right now.
Any other game
>>Any other game
>>Gets a few weeks and told to go to /vg/
>>Fans agree and either go to /vg/ or limit it to a thread every now and then
What fucking world are you living in?
at least XIVcels haven't been making generals here lately
So tell MonHun faggots to go to /vg/ then
what's the point of this board?
>implying DMC threads didnt run rampant for a year before and after 5 released
>/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #6376
>Fans agree and either go to /vg/ or limit it to a thread every now and then
This literally never happens, being sent to /vg/ is treated like a death sentence and you would know it if you didn't only look into off-topic and normalfag memegame threads.
We need to move foreword and just make a new board, /nin/, so all those "special boys" won't be bothered by adult games shitting up their board.
This, only threads about games that naturally start on /vg/ without being forced to go there ever survive
You're right, the former should be replying like the latter. Imagine not even being a janny and STILL wanting to do it for free lmao
>adult games
no such thing, all games are for children
stop deluding yourself
>>Fans agree and either go to /vg/ or limit it to a thread every now and then
That's wrong though. Basically nobody willingly goes to /vg/.
>rated M for Mature
>Katawa Shoujo General #3778
>/ksg/ - lost count once and probably nearing 10,000 threads now
>Sakamichi General #559
>/alt/ - Alternative Idols General #412
>AKB General 2213
>/comfy switch general/ on Yas Forums #7832
to emulate shizo Yas Forums outrage shit but with "video games" theme
Are you new here, user?
There are like 30 ff7 shill threads on Yas Forums right now.
A smash thread died for this
We need a new board called /wjk/ just imagine all the room for videogames if those threads were moved.
you have the final fantasy mmo general squatting here for 3 years and counting, why are you surprised the mods are shirking their duties in more areas than one?
Deleting smash spam would make a lot of retaliatory spam, which they'd need to clean up until the kids take their ball and go somewhere else. That's an effort, and efforts, they don't make. It's only when it's something people enjoy that they'll step up and start acting, stomping out all traces of board culture, because perverting the board, painting it in their colors, strokes their limp-dicked egos.
How many years of wojak spam? How many millions of posts of reddit catchphrases, cringe, based, tranny, seething, etc? What do they do? Nothing. Not a fucking thing.
You know how DMC had a full on general for over a year after the DMC 5 announcement? Want to know why that was "allowed"? Because they gave the mods the middle finger and continued making threads despite their efforts to delete them. If your video game has enough of a fanbase willing to say no to powertripping jannies then they fucking earn the right to remain on the board for as long as they fucking want.
They're probably paid, those were the most obnoxious fucking threads, and RE suffered the same. I just hope Capcom finds a new marketing contractor, and Dragon's Dogma 2 is spared, if it's ever going to be made.
and that's why the smartest generals don't number themselves
they're autists but still smart enough not to share a definite amount on how far their autism stretches back in time
/vg/ is where game discussion goes to die. As much of a shithole Yas Forums is they can at least sometimes talk about the topic maybe 1/10th of the time even if it is just mindless vitriol. As soon as a game is consigned to /vg/ it stops being about the game and becomes about the posters.
That's bullshit. /fgoalter/ started on Yas Forums and it's occasionally one of the fastest threads on Yas Forums.
If your general can't survive on /vg/ then it's shit and your game is shit.
Yesterday, mods WERE deleting every Animal Crossing threads for an hour straight.
That's why /vg/ exists. To get generals off of Yas Forums.
there are hardly any wojaks on this board now its not 2017 anymore
but why can't generals stay on Yas Forums?
Gacha should get a board of it's own
This topic closed in 2012. Nobody wants you people here. Not even you fucking people want to be around your own kind, if your pathetic pleading is anything to go by.
That's not much compared to how old that VN is.
/fgoalter/ is up at 2152 and /fgog/ 1190.
>As soon as a game is consigned to /vg/ it stops being about the game and becomes about the posters.
Not true in some cases like where the actual game is still being discussed. But yeah most generals are filled with trannies and tripfags.
>/fgoalter/ is up at 2152 and /fgog/ 1190.
Nevermind, those are only the amount of threads since 2019. The archive didn't go further back.
But you're fine with the constant bot threads reposted and coom threads?
What a faggot
/vg/ is a dumpster anyway
So Yas Forums Isn't talking about video games?