Is there a better example of

Is there a better example of

top: SOUL
bottom: SOULLESS

than pic related?
I don't think there is.

Attached: tes3.jpg (1920x2160, 1.12M)

is the bottom ESO?

That looks really nice. I love that turtle pattern water gets sometimes.

>I love that turtle pattern water gets sometimes.
Same, not enough games do it.

Was the fog really that thick? Or does OP just have an unmodded render distance?

Nope, I don't think bottom is soulless.

Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim: Soul
Arena, Daggerfall, ESVI: Souleless

They both look like shit but for different reasons

I have nothing against graphics mods, unless they strive too far from the original in terms of style and essence, that's certainly the case here, so I hate it. Doesn't look like Morrowind

Has there been one remake/rerelease that has actually gained soul or is that not possible?

Fog is gay and never looked great. It was a mediocre compromise.

soul is literally just nostalgia, so by impossible.

Age of Empires 2

Ironically OP, this is probably one of the only examples of the SOUL being the new one.

>Morrowind graphics mods in a nutshell

It looks betther than Morrowing.

Why do modern devs fear fog?
This is completely unrelated to the game but in the last few decades devs have been terrified of using fog to increase performance or hell, even add an aesthetic to the game.
I know it's not the hardcore gaymurr answer of casualization because that's fucking retarded so what is it? Is it just harder to do fog that hides objects in most modern engines?

Attached: 1567892046807.jpg (800x800, 239.33K)

Resident Evil 1 remake

I suspect it's similar to shadows, probably tough and computationally intensive to do anything more than just bleaching the whole thing a bit.

What happened to the morrowind mod? I have the feeling the just make weird trailer, gay AmA and posting screenshots on twitter instead working on the mod.

Doesn't look right though

it's in response to 90% of players saying that real life has no fog.

Is Skywind ever going to be fully playable?

It's the same for loading times and zones, even though they'd improve stability and not be that slow devs fear them like they're the devil.

It's not Skywind you idiot. It's that graphics mod for original Morrowind. MGE or something.

water caustics

Attached: Pond.webm (1280x800, 2.61M)

lovely, it's just so soothing to look at it shift about

I used to have a lot of fun tweaking the caustics in Oblivion. You could change the size and speed of them, making it look realistic was fun.

Attached: LW.gif (501x269, 2.95M)

That's just a clear example of
top: WORSE
bottom: BETTER
And I played Morrowing on launch. You no-mod autists are some of the weirdest people I know.

If you made them move slowly it made the water look thick as if it were some kind of jelly. Morrowind's were a bit like that.

The bottom isn't using the best mods since it's changing the art style, I can see where OP is going with this.

Attached: Oblivion water2.webm (1239x775, 134.37K)

bottom is a modded version of morrowind

Morrowind just fucking looks bad. I always mod the shit out of it whenever I play it.

Is this thing even out yet? How many more years will it take?

It's probably not going to be out for another five years. That applies to the Beyond Skyrim dev teams as well.

It's not changing the artstyle at all just brightening it up a little and getting rid of that shitty fog draw distance that made Morrowind look bad.

2035 after star citizen is cancelled

Aren't they still working on Tamriel Rebuilt?

Look again, it's completely changed. Arid to grassy.

Attached: Morrowind 2014-07-25 07-37-43-43.jpg (1920x1200, 245.3K)