Finally played this and wtf? You really hyped this shit up...

Finally played this and wtf? You really hyped this shit up? Barely better than ds2 and worse than any other souls game god I'll never listen to you fags again

Attached: bb.jpg (450x450, 51.71K)

Ds2>Ds1>Ds3>BB>DeS>Most games>Sekiro

You have beyond trash taste, shut the fuck up and don't post again

Ive taken massive shits better than this bait. Get the fuck off my board you putrid fartface faggot poo niggers

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

I borrowed someone's PS4 to play this full price and don't regret it at all. Pretty bitching.

But then, there's some people out there who argue over which COD game is better based on fucking perks or some shit, so there's no accounting for shitty, petty taste like yours, OP.

Very "based" take user, i wonder if you have the same fucking ip like the other hundred faggots that have been shitposting the same shit everyday

that's some stale pasta man

Im sorry you have trash taste m8 that is my honest opinion but you can cope by calling it bait thats fine with me.

It's popular
I don't like that

remember to sage that kind of awful thread bloodbornebros

Reverse that order and you got something there, champ.

>le based lovecraft!!!

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Can't, everytime i do that shit, jannies warn me

Ask me how i know your a filthy casual

or just don't reply. OP will probably just bump his shitty bait thread in retaliation.

>BB still filtering bad all these years later

That's actually a pretty good reverse order

Damn, the chained ogre filtered you that hard?

it's simple, if you don't like bloodborne then you're a nigger mtf tranny... and if you disagree with this post then you're a jewish nigger mtf tranny

>get past vicar amelia
>immediately lose all desire to play further
why is the second half of BB so bad, bros?

Attached: end.png (205x246, 9.6K)

i sadly did not enjoy the first half either
seemed like a soulless DS

>get past vicar
>Hunter's Nightmare becomes acessible
It literally gets better.
>seemed like a soulless DS
But Undead Burg was shit. Central Yharnam and Cathedral Ward has way better level design.

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The game actually loses steam when you make it to Yahargul, which is the most disappointing area in all of soulsborne
After that you get Yahargul which has the shitty enemies that respawn other enemies and mediocre level design (the version of the area you can access when the enemies with the bags snatch you is much better), and then you have the Nightmare areas which are mid tier at best
Thank god for the DLC


>Yahargul, which is the most disappointing area in all of soulsborne
Someone forgot Lost Izalith it seems.

>Hunter's Nightmare
so i literally have to wait until the endgame dlc until the game becomes not-shit again. Oh but who am I kidding, you're a hardcore gamer that does ludwig at BL40 with 700 hp, am I right?

*when you make it to Byrgenwerth

Lost Izalith at least had the bits of the ruined city to explore in the second half (the lava part was extremely shit, though)
Byrgenwerth is this place that's really been hyped up from the beginning of the game since it's a very important location lore-wise
Then you come to it after traversing the Forbidden Woods, one of the biggest areas in the series (and the best ones too, thanks to the excellent shortcuts and the branching paths; the lower woods are a bit too empty and open-ended, but still decent), and what do you find? A small house with a few monsters outside and a hunter enemy inside
Absolute bullshit

>filtered by sekiro
>calls others filthy casual

>so i literally have to wait until the endgame
>implying it can't be done @ BL40
or you could try being better

>you're a hardcore gamer
>that does ludwig at BL40 with 700 hp