Post games that were better than Final Fantasy XV (Fifteen)

Post games that were better than Final Fantasy XV (Fifteen).

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Any semi-decent 7/10 JRPG is better than the garbage that was FF15.

Even FF7R with the terrible ending and the garbage new content that revolved around the ghosts/spectres is better than FF15.

FF15 in general is one of the biggest turds of JRPGs.

That's not really a hard thing to do

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200302105250.jpg (1920x1080, 264.83K)

That's most games, but I'd put Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Cold Steel on the same tier as it. Persona 5 just barely above.
No idea about Digimon, maybe that was alright.


Opinion discarded.

Sorry for insulting your waifu, but her game is shit. She's probably a cardboard cutout to boot.

user it's not very nice to make a thread just to make XV-kun kill himself.

Nice strawman argument, doesn't make me consider your opinion to be valuable though.

You didn't even have an argument to begin with. Why should I bother?