Nintendo Squaresoft

>Nintendo Squaresoft

Countless new and interesting new games, franchises, and experimental gameplay

>Playstation era Square

Final Fantasy sequels and that's it.

What went wrong?

Attached: Square Enix's relationship with Nintendo.jpg (448x561, 71.13K)

Hot take.
JRPG's suck dick.

>Final Fantasy sequels and that's it.
yeah that's what happens when you only play on nintendo consoles and are completely clueless about games on other systems

>Final Fantasy sequels and that's it.
Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, etc. don't exist?

Also, didn't they stop making )Playstation games in 2000?

>Final Fantasy sequels and that's it.
What the fuck? Are you really that ignorant or just shitposting? Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Xenogears, Saga series, Mana series, Parasite Eve, Brave Fencer Musashi, Threads of Fate and literally DOZENS of other less popular games.

There is already a thread up about N64 Square cope OP, stop spamming.

Here's a challenge for you JRPGfags: explain what makes a JRPG good.

>this fag didn't play driving emotion type-s

>Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, etc. don't exist?
>Square Enix

They had a single entry and then were dropped.

The "best parts" of JRPGs were always done better by other genres, and now that visual novels are (reasonably) popular there's no reason to tack on a shallow version of Wizardry's combat (but not it's maze-like dungeons or resource management that made the combat interesting in the first place) in order to get all the story and characters.




your favorite genre is shit and you can never explain why its good objectively

>Playstation era Square
>Square Enix
They merged in 2003.

Who said Square Enix?

"Hey could you improve your hardware, our games won't fit on your new system."
"Okay, we'll just take our business elsewhere."

That is literally how the split actually went

>Developing for hardware you now nothing about

Do people seriously think this makes Squaresoft look GOOD?

by the way Goldeneye and OOT look way better than FFVII.

did you guys even look at picture?
you know squaresoft was a separate company from enix when those games were made, right?

Those 15fps games?

Well no, I doubt any genre is objectively a good genre. I fail to see the relevance to my post though.

>What is TWEWY
>What is Kingdom Heart
>What is Dragon Quest
>What is Octopath Traveller
> What is The Last Remant
>What is Chaos Ring
You fucker only care about FF, and you come here complain why they release only FF????


didn't Squeenix publish the new Deus Ex games, Sleeping Dogs and nuHitman? They were pretty good desu

There's only one good JRPG series: Super Mario RPG / Paper Mario

>what are games that released on Nintendo platforms
Just look at how shit DQXI is on PS4 compared to Switch.

Square tennis would be based.

Don't forget about I am Setsuna.

>still mad after 23 years

Attached: 378.jpg (1024x678, 93.33K)

Dumb FFfag.

Pic related killed the company

Attached: 91d0hQnYKnL._SL1500_.jpg (1047x1500, 228.5K)

That's better left forgotten.

It’s the same game with worse graphics and a some extra content. Considering I spent about 100 hours on the original and still didn’t finish the game I don’t really care too much about it being made even longer. Switch version is definetly the best but your exaggerating how much better it is.