Every PC games use Denuvo now

>Every PC games use Denuvo now

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It literally does not affect you unless you are a poor little broke pirate

aren't we all broke right now because of this retarded chink bat soup virus shit?

>we still dont have handball

>Console games is easier to pirate than PC games now

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I don't know if mafia 3 has denuvo but
>pirate the game to check how it runs and plays
>I like it and it runs at a solid 60 fps with most things maxed
>buy it
>average of 55 frames, never hits 60

fucking hell I know there's something with this always online bullshit

Only AAAshit and nepotism-propped """indies""", so nothing of actual value. Get better taste.


Not him but there's plenty of good indies coming out these years, Underrail and its DLC Expedition were really good

Stop pirating then

Enjoy your denuvoshit then, faggot.

I am

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Yeah deltarune was great, cant wait for the next part from toby

I said Underrail not Undertale

I love asriel!

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Take your meds.

It's a shitpost, my dude. I remember back when Underrail was FotM iliterate niggers would jump the gun and start shitting on a different game instead.

Epic trolled!!!

don't buy any of them & they'll stop

Copy kitty is a super underrated indie and it has so much content for such a small price tbqh

it doesn't really affect pirates tho, usually games are cracke din a week or two, and even if it takes half a year it's not like i really have to play it right now

It mostly fuck up customers

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>they'll stop

There are no Denuvo games purely cracked in 2020
>inb4 Doom Eternal
Leaked DRM free exe =/= Craked Exe.

only if you're retarded

Not him but american comics got pozzed and now they're not selling anything

There are no casuals in Nerdy American Comic books fans.

This post makes no sense, is this the undertale schizo?

He is 100% correct. Don't delude yourself into thinking that capeshit comics and capeshit movies have even remotely the same audience.


>capeshit comics and capeshit movies have even remotely the same audience
Did I say they do?

then pirate games that don't use denuvo. can't afford gaming? change hobby. learn to play the guitar, get in a band, earn money, get chicks to laid, forget about this shithole site and never come back

>getting in the music industry
>in the age of internet
lmao terrible advice

Then explain what makes no sense about his post.

The structure of the sentence

>use linux
>buy denuvo game
>it just works
This was my biggest complaint with Denuvo, now I'm fine with it. I feel nothing for poor people whining that they can't pirate.

Go back to 60s

>There are no games in 2020
fixed that for you ;)


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Yes it does. If you want to be pedantic and say it needs quotation marks to be correct then go ahead but it won't stop you from looking like a sperg.

Okay so what is he saying in that sentence?

>not even one worth playing

imagine not wanting to fully own (or not wanting to own at all) a game you fully paid 60 dollars for

I wish I could.

Hey pirate fags,
name one AAA-protected denuvo game that has been CRACKED in 2020.

Protipp: You can't.

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>only AAA games have denuvo
>you can pirate these by watching LPs on youtube
>they're very rarely worth playing anyway
>all the cool games on PC aren't AAA but you buy them anyway to support devs or play with friends

There hasn't been a good AAA game released in 2020 yet though.

Thats NOT what I asked for.

Bannerlord's triple A
>inb4 it's early access!
yes and it already has the most content out of all games that came out this year

That within the group of people considered fans of nerdy american comic books, there exist no people that would be considered "casuals" as generally understood in the context of THIS hobby (video games). The implication being that the initial comparison ("don't buy it and they'll stop doing it, it worked for comics") is flawed because these aforementioned casuals exist in this sphere (video games) but not that sphere (comics), and these casuals are the ones that would continue to buy even if you don't, thus causing your not-buying to be ineffective.
You got all that?


Pirates should learn how to crack if they want these games so much. Oh yeah, they're too dumb to even hold a job so they can buy these games, I forgot.

>early access
dropped, release the full game or fuck off, I'm not staying around for your gay content drizzle

I get it, in other words comics require a little bit more IQ and commitment so they're not as mainstream as videogames.
Yeah it's a good point

You should be staying around to take your psychosis medication though

Cry more piratefag.

1:1 remakes only with better graphics aren't worth playing either.

Bannerlord is not a remake.

>Bannerlord is not a remake.

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>I dont play videogames, the only joy in my life is antisocial behavior

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I'll take a performance hit if it means filthy pirate poorniggers dont get to play it. I can just buy a better card because i'm not poor.

Scene groups were saying last year that denuvo will be borderline uncrackable within a few iterations. It's probably up to the point where it just isn't worth the time anymore.


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And we already reaching that point.

Already took it today faggot, early access is still shit.

Point where I said early access is good

>games became uncrackable just in time when you lost any interest in video games

I cant be the only one.

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