Congrats Riot you actually created the most cancer fueled game imaginably.
>classes horribly imbalanced to the point only 3 are viable that everyone throws a shit fit if they don't get to them >tryhards in fucking closed beta talking shit about anyone for the smallest shit >gameplay speed is slow as fuck >arenas are tiny and absolutely no thought was put into side advantage
Game is absolute trash; probably objectively the worst online community I've ever played with. Going to be fun to see this shit fail.
It's literally propped up by the beta key market russian bot farming to sell on ebay. I don't think it will even kill CSGO. It's just so uninspired and boring.
Jose Young
valorant is the definition of soulless
Sebastian Bennett
literally the exact same thread opener were used abundantly when Overwatch got released
Dylan Wilson
>fps normies are waking up to riot's trademark balancing
Overwatch had some redeemable features like decent movement speed and fun abilities. Also, I never felt like arenas were that poorly design; most were boring though.
Also it was fun to chill with random bros in unranked match to avoid autists.
Valorant in my first match I literally had to mute 3 people for actually screaming at me that I chose ninja girl. It's fucking stupid.
it doesn't matter and the game will succeed. riot is already pumping millions into it to establish it as an esport and the investors will follow. it doesn't matter how garbage the game is, people will play it if there's money. riot convinced people lol is a legitimate esport so as far as i'm concerned they are geniuses when it comes to manipulating retards and dumb investors
Jacob Cook
>what other titles came with a synthetic e-sports scene before even leaving fucking closed beta, and are now the absolute fucking outhouse of the vidya world? >bbbb-buh but they made money xDddd
Literally no one is playing this shit but Russians now. Look on Twitter, and Zoomers and Streamers are shitting on it hard.
Jaxon Rogers
>want to clone CS >specific grenades on specific characters >this means everyone can't have smokes, flashes, HE, molotovs on them with a money lead >give specific heroes walk hacks >give specific heroes walls, movement abilities, and other overwatch shit >give one hero a rocket launcher I knew it was gonna be bad but I didn't expect it to be this bad
Joseph Wright
they did the same thing with lol. they have experience convincing people a turd has competitive integrity. all they have to do is pump in the initial millions then sell spots to some investor retard to participate in their league
Samuel Ross
OW has two big tricks over it, ones that funnily enough LoL shares.
>Ease of feeling powerful It is very easy to feel like you are doing something big in OW. Even if you can't aim characters have a lot of powerful abilities that are hard counters. Even outside the hard counters it is very easy to at least get a few kills with no real skill. Being on a recharge means you will usually have something every minute that can be used and make a splash. This is more of a trick than good design, they made people feel more like they are playing a moba than a shooter. The medal system reinforces this well, you feel effective even though often you very much aren't.
Valorant is CS at heart, the abilities are easier to use that grenades yet the majority don't really give you much unless you can play off them. It is just enough bullshit to get in the way and feel less skilful without making aim irrelevant. But then you get the small pocket of abilities that do feel like OW, you can't use them as often but it makes the disparity between your abilities feel even more annoying. It is almost perfectly designed to consistently undermine itself. Aim is needed, most abilities feel like a bit too much even though they aren't throw out for free kills and then minority of abilities are throw out for free kills which makes you feel like a retard for ever improving your aim.
>Characters OW sold on characters designs and the hope of a cool world. Both those fell apart with time but it clearly drew so many in. Valorant has completely failed to market an excite people with their roster.
David Moore
LoL's advantage was being early on the scene, same with autochess. Meanwhile the card game is slowly disappearing into irrelevance and it seems like Valorant has the same fate. You can't just apply the same model time and again and think it will work in all circumstances.
Anthony Edwards
The worst things are >Tagging is an instant death unless you shoot back. Running isn't an option. >All grenades feel like the exact same shit and some of them you can just place on to the map instead of learning to throw a smoke. >Maps are far too strong for defense. There's no reason the def shouldn't rush with these closed spaces. >DLC packs cost 70 dollars and some are bugged to give advantage. >It's gonna be free, so cheaters will be fucking everywhere. >Forced eSports scene >All the designs look like absolute shit. >Ultimates aren't really well thought out, and neither are some exclusive grenades. A rocket launcher. >Some heroes even have wall hacks. >The anti-cheat is beyond invasive, even if there's an argument for it being necessary for you to clean up their game. >None of the spray patterns are very interesting.
Hudson Murphy
At least Valorant looks like it will run smoothly. I've been playing Fortnite and even with a fairly good mid-range gpu, its performance sucks. If I can play a colorful f2p CS/overwatch rip-off with 200 fps and good gunplay, I'll be happy.
Easton Wright
Unless they do something about the playerbase it won't matter even if the game is good.
It's not even that the majority of players are toxic, it's that they are actually retarded.
You can have the top K/D on your team and you'll still get 2 players that won't stfu about your playstyle.
Carson Gutierrez
>get shot from behind >player movement immediately slows down to 1/4 normal speed, basically frozen >instant kill
The fuck were they thinking with this mechanic.
Cooper Gonzalez
That's how tagging worked in 1.6, though. Also, the only hero I thoroughly despise is Sage. Her tools are way too powerful.
Anthony Cruz
>good gunplay
Got bad news for you then m8
David Cooper
Why, what's wrong with it other than being diluted with lame powers?
Lucas Morris
>That's how tagging worked in 1.6, though. I've not played it in over a decade. Maybe I'm just used to CS:GO tagging at this point.
Easton Smith
who gives a fuck about how the game plays when they're literally requiring you install rootkit to "prevent cheating"?
don't forget, this company is 100% owned by Tencent, which itself is 100% controlled by the chinese government. don't fall for it.
Weapon balance makes 0 sense. Everyone just uses the same 3 guns in every match. Reload animation is laughably slow. They made it so hip shots have actually like a 1/100 chance of actually hitting their target, but they also didn't put any movement or turning penalty on looking down your sights, so there are legit 0 reasons to not keep you sights up the entire match.
Abilities are slow as fuck, completely pointless, or absolutely OP that gas girl can basically solo an entire team herself so long as she doesn't run into another gas girl.
Designs are blatant ripoffs of other games, including a "reaper" character.
The card game was great. The issue was in how expensive it was.
It was so expensive that my plan of waiting for people to put their cards on the marketplace flopped when nobody bought into the game, leaving me out in the cold
Angel Nelson
>All the designs look like absolute shit i dunno, the toxic girl makes my dick hard
Alexander Hill
>there are legit 0 reasons to not keep you sights up the entire match >gas girl OP
>all abilities have AOE damage >all abilities cause visual impairment >ultimate covers 20% of the map in fart juice that last for fucking ever allowing for beacon to be deployed at a HUGE advantage
But go on, please tell me how this isn't completely broken.
Which 3 are viable? I don't know the characters very well, but I've watched a few streamers and they seem to play more than just 3 characters.
>The brown girl with a drone and a rocket launcher is the one everyone bitches about >A dude who can call down smoke grenades anywhere on the map it seems >The healer girl with the ice wall >The bow guy with sonar >The teleporting edgy shadow guy >The dude who makes big shockwaves
I've seen the poison girl and the wind girl played a few times, but I almost never see the robot in the hat played.
Jonathan Hill
is there any tool to make sure the rootkit hasn't embedded itself anywhere else on my laptop? this shit just keeps asking for a reboot over and fucking over.
Ryder Flores
Is it another "zoomer doesn't get that it's a teamplay oriented game where not everything should be tailored individually" thread made by someone with a short attention span and who doesn't play well enough to raise into a nicer community thanks to skill based match making? Yeah. Fuck off.
Sebastian Edwards
>[Drops Enabled] yeah, okay.
Asher Carter
>Openly admitted that
Elijah Lopez
>zoomer calling out zoomers That's a big oof for me
Nicholas Rogers
Just install the CCP rootkit, don't think.
Jace Nelson
Underlords is Autochess.
Isaac Martinez
>This is Claire from FBI and today in the Test Range we will be making... gourmet flashbangs
Hudson Cruz
as oppose to what? lying on a site that gives you total anonymity? defeats the purpose of 4chins
Wyatt Lee
What's autochess? Is it good?
Colton Martinez
It won't fail. It will sell gangbusters and be a huge hit. I don't think it will dethrone CSGO, but it will compete directly with OW. Results there aren't forseeable, but if I was Blizz, I'd be sweating.
Luis Hall
Yeah, great game. Protip kid, the majority of people don't want to play a game where a bunch of incels are just screaming at you all day. I get this type of "game" is like the only thing tryhards are good at in life, but it's pretty sad.
Hit the gym man, find a gf, and learn there's more to life than some shitty arena shooter. Not even saying this to be ironic on here; legitimately you need help.
No it won't. It plays completely differently to OW.
Mason Morales
In a defensive case, maybe. but If you need to retake or you're Tside, you''re out of luck. >all abilities are AoE dmg not as good as brimstone or phoenix >All abilities cause visual impairment Brimstone is better at this desu and is more versatile than viper >But go on, please tell me how this isn't completely broken. Sage and Cypher exists.
Oliver White
The Moba crowd seems to like it. I'll be honest, I don't play it, so your own research will likely yield more info, but my understanding is you build a squad that gets different abilities based on team makeup. From there, I have no idea how it plays.
Gavin King
Just another user who can't play and therefore doesn't queue with good players who can actually coordinate, lol
Kayden Jones
Sure, Chang.
Jaxson Roberts
Justin Gray
I know, but I still think it will hit OW more than it does CSGO. The OW crowd is more willing to go to the new cartoon shooter than the CSGO crowd is willing to drop their 10+ years on the same game. Also, I don't think the playstyle of OW is what brought people in, and I don't think it's what keeps them there.
Adrian Harris
>therefore doesn't queue with good players
Everyone is unranked right now, so it doesn't sort based on that homo
>Also, I don't think the playstyle of OW is what brought people in, and I don't think it's what keeps them there. You're right, but what brought OW players in is completely missing from Valorant.