Congrats Riot you actually created the most cancer fueled game imaginably.
>classes horribly imbalanced to the point only 3 are viable that everyone throws a shit fit if they don't get to them >tryhards in fucking closed beta talking shit about anyone for the smallest shit >gameplay speed is slow as fuck >arenas are tiny and absolutely no thought was put into side advantage
Game is absolute trash; probably objectively the worst online community I've ever played with. Going to be fun to see this shit fail.
It's literally propped up by the beta key market russian bot farming to sell on ebay. I don't think it will even kill CSGO. It's just so uninspired and boring.
Jose Young
valorant is the definition of soulless
Sebastian Bennett
literally the exact same thread opener were used abundantly when Overwatch got released
Dylan Wilson
>fps normies are waking up to riot's trademark balancing
Overwatch had some redeemable features like decent movement speed and fun abilities. Also, I never felt like arenas were that poorly design; most were boring though.
Also it was fun to chill with random bros in unranked match to avoid autists.
Valorant in my first match I literally had to mute 3 people for actually screaming at me that I chose ninja girl. It's fucking stupid.
it doesn't matter and the game will succeed. riot is already pumping millions into it to establish it as an esport and the investors will follow. it doesn't matter how garbage the game is, people will play it if there's money. riot convinced people lol is a legitimate esport so as far as i'm concerned they are geniuses when it comes to manipulating retards and dumb investors
Jacob Cook
>what other titles came with a synthetic e-sports scene before even leaving fucking closed beta, and are now the absolute fucking outhouse of the vidya world? >bbbb-buh but they made money xDddd