Post KINO game covers

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Pretty good.

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like gc version more

I hate the covers for From games cause it's generic backshot of characters.
But pic related I'm really fond of because it has this weird intimate feeling cause you see the helmet from so close but it's inpersonal cause you don't see a face

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Maybe the Euro version but not the US.

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What should it be? Close up of faces like America is fucking obsessed with?

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The LE version of that is nice.


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With something as focused on it's characters as Heavy Rain that's totally fine.

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No, it really isn't.
The best version focuses on the whole point. i.e the origami killer and rain.

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>poster articulated why he doesn't like a particular company's game covers
>but America!
Lmao, rent free faggot

It'd be kino if they didn't use such a shit font for the "4".

The real Kino is the resident evil 2 cover.

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I like that one even more

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Most of the MGS covers are pretty kino, but this one has a special place in my heart.

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third is shit

Game's trash, but the European and Japanese covers are awesome

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That's the Euro version. This is the trash US cover

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I'm surprised square hasn't remastered this yet

Shinkawa is always good.

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such weird graphic design choices but it works so well

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PAL cover still has a special place in my heart. It was oozing malice and it looked entirely confident of itself.
Far better than that trash in US territories with the edgy font which became the norm for a while for the entire IP, including those god awful movies.

Square ENIX doesn't have the balls (or ass chaps)

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It's because eurofags actually know how to enstil fear and know less is more.

The US one is ok, but it doesn't really convey the game's atmosphere besides it being a zombie game. The PAL one really shines in that regard because it really makes the

This pic related explains everything about the game without spoiling it.

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