What's the worst game Yas Forums tricked you into buying?

What's the worst game Yas Forums tricked you into buying?

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pic unrelated by the way

Why do people always shit on DD? It's a great game, and one of the best adventure style games you can play.

Combat is great, all classes feel extremely fun to play with lots of fun skills. Story is actually fucking awesome if you pay attention and do it all (admittedly it's a bit slow and boring in the very beginning, even so). The open world is the perfect size, not too big and not too small, it's jam packed with places to go and discover not like Skyrim or some shit that is just barren empty boring copy paste shit. And the DLC is amazing as well.

I genuinely don't get how someone could dislike the game, the worst part of it is the beginning, which is MAYBE 3hr long if you take your time. You're telling me you can't go through 3hr of the game (which truly isn't even THAT bad) to get to the rest of the game (20-50+hr of content) which is superb?

The world is bland and empty, story is shit. They did put a lot of effort into combat, but that was a big mistake. Combat gets boring after 30 minutes regardless of how good it is. TES is far more fun to play than this pile of dogshit despite having a simple combat system.

neck yourself stupid nigger faggot

>TES is far more fun to play
opinion discarded

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Absolute shit taste.
I guess Yas Forums was right, fun is a buzzword

Even if you're too much of a brainlet to appreciate the learning pawn system, Bitterblack on it's own justifies buying this game 3 times over

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You have shit taste and you need to learn how to fucking research before buying games.
With the amount of information you can find about any game on the Internet, you have to be literally retarded not to figure out whether or not you'll like it.

>Letting Yas Forums influence your financial decisions
Are you retarded?

i played it for 4 hours and thought it was boring

>Daemon with coils of light playing
Only took my main pawn too, amazing fight.

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I noticed a lot more shitposting after it came out for the switch. DD threads were some of the comfiest, laidback threads on Yas Forums up until that point.

>Just awful

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New god of war

>making purchasing decisions based on opinions on Yas Forums
well there's ya problem right there

I don't know why people are getting booty bothered about this. DD is the ultimate THAT game. Its very rough and half baked in many places. Even diehard fans will say this but despite its many problems the game has a lot of great stuff in there. Its why people want a sequel so badly, so they can get more DD while it also fixes the issues.


I was warned not to buy Kingdom Hearts 3... should have listened. Bought it out of nostalgia, but it’s really shit. I guess I outgrew it.

>coils of light playing
English or JP?

>TES is more fun to play
this is how you out yourself as a retarded zoomer with ADHD

English, couldn't tell right away anyways since it's kinda engrish?

Ah meant to clarify which version you prefer

Listened to it once, and it's cool but I don't like it over the engrish one. The vocals stand out too much, while I appreciate the instrumental aspect and how it works while fighting Daemon.

>They did put a lot of effort into combat, but that was a big mistake
>TES is far more fun to play than this pile of dogshit despite having a simple combat system

Dude, I love DD but the story is fucking nonsense and the world is blatantly unfinished.

The combat and class customization in the best part of the game but it gets completely ruined by the dogshit damage calculation. Whoever thought that addition and subtraction was enough to calculate damage is absolutely and utterly retarded.

>financial decision
you're not buying a house.

Yas Forums shits all over that though

>Combat gets boring after 30 min

Go back to whatever the fucking sewer you come from


>Combat gets boring after 30 minutes
Someone got filtered by some bandits.

That's because it invites consolewar faggotry into the mix since you can't have nintendies and snoys in the same room without them sperging out at each other.

>Combat gets boring after 30 minutes regardless of how good it is
Do you play Starcraft then complain that Real Time Strategy gets boring after 30 minutes?

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Same. Just can't get into the game.

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