How's that new Predator game? I assume not seeing any threads or streams about it should tell me everything I need to know.
How's that new Predator game...
you are a degenerate if you want to smash that
yes, and?
That ass is pretty fucking nice though.
God, I want to put my penis into a vagina so bad
Why are you simp fags obsessed with the lowest, trashiest women possible?
If you are going to be obsessed can't at least be the pinnacle of women not the bottom trash heap?
human females are not diverse enough, imagine how many woke points we can earn if we fuck a predator lady.
It wasn't entirely meritless, but launching it as a 30 buck title EGS exclusive is pretty retarded.
Yeah. If it was on Steam I would have had it on my wishlist in anticipation and would have been on the forums. I had Tales of Mana locked in for today anyway.
Seems they have $10 off coupon for some holiday sale. But eh. Not gonna get it if no one plays.
She looks better with the mask on tho...
I know just look at the tattoos. What's happening with today's predator youth?
Bet she has hepatitis and herpes.
I'd fuck anything remotely warm and curvy desu.
You can tell she has shit taste in general judging by her tattoos
I like how her tattoo has a Harley tattoo.
>Two lesbians about to molest each other tattoo
Yeah, im thinking shes based
that would be an interesting gobbie
>Alien is ruined
>Predator is also ruined
Wtf is this
IMAGINE the hepatitis!
Wtf is this deviantart shit? Aren't predators a species? How the fuck do you "turn" into a predator? I dont even wanna know
Iron Man predator
its the predator killing suit from the latest movie
it definitely isn't a complete travesty of a predator movie
you should watch it
If only somebody cared
>armpit stubble
Her ass is too large
imagine being this gay
queers love fat asses on dudes tho
>can't lift and chuck mother fuckers
why does this game want to be an FPS so bad
you trying to be edgy or is this by accident? shit is disgusting.
LMAO that is real! I knew they made a new Predator movie but wow this is a new low. That looks like some fan made youtube shit.
>white skin
of course I'd fuck her
that's not what edgy is, you stupid fucking plebbit newfag son of a whore
fuck off