JRPG thread

What jrpg are you playing right now?
For me, it's Trails in the Sky. I just got past the prologue and I think it's pretty fun. Still not sure what the best way to use different Quartz on my characters is, and money is a little tight, but it's a pretty solid experience so far.

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Metal Gear Solid 2

Trying to play EO5 but it's kinda boring. After 4 and remakes of 1-2 it feels like the character development is very stifled here. I don't have points even for the semblance of a build despite being in third stratum and the fact you couldn't even choose between 70% of the skills in first two stratums is straight dumb.

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I'm replaying my favorite fire emblem, 5, with a bunch of self-imposed restrictions.

I kinda regret on getting into the trails series. CS ruined everything for me.


Calvard when?

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You still had 5 good games which is more anyone can say about most of the franchises.


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is that game any good?

Hope you have fun, OP. Sky FC is one of the most comfy jRPGs I've ever played. Just make sure you pay attention to the lines in each character's orbments especially late game when you get more powerful quartz. By that point you should have a feel on what each member's role is in your party and depending on the combination of quartz you can get good arts. Notebook tells you which does what.

this was my biggest fear when I bought the first game the other day. If all this is just going to lead up to Rean's meme bean machine in the end, is it really worth getting into? Cold Steel seems pretty shit from how Yas Forums described it to me. But I figured if the later games start to suck I'll just stop playing, or suffer through them so I can participate in Rean threads.

Brave Story: New Traveler
Just got Stealth and the one thing I hated about the game (too many random encounters) is no more.

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Here, I'm actually almost done with CS1 and tbqh it's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I suppose it depends on what you're looking to get out of the series by that point. The characters aren't among the best by any means but the story and how it ties into specific events in the Crossbell games has kept me interested.

You only bought half the game because it ends on a cliffhanger. The 2nd game though has you doing the exact same things in the first time. It's a big scam.

I just finished Zero no Kiseki
If they had added some more interactions between the main cast it would have seriously been just as good as SC
Overall it's probably still the best trails game so far because unlike the others it constantly gets better and better until the climax

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I'm going through Breath of Fire 1 on the Switch's SNES pack. Not a bad game. Has some funny moments, subverted tropes, etc. but sometimes the combat can be very dull. I think I'm about halfway through, because I just got my 5th party member and the screen has space for 8. BTW fuck this guy, definitely benching him ASAP.

You know what the biggest scam about the whole series is?
You NEVER get to use airships freely, and you can never travel between the different regions of Liberl at will.
The one time you can do this, you're forced to walk because airships are out of commission.
And all of that in a game where airships are a major thing in the setting.

>tfw you take the hahapill
Guess there's no need to hold back.

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The crossbell arc was the point of inflection. Lloyd is like rean-lite, but the games are still fun and charmful.

The games had some glimpses of dating simulator, but they were not as annoying as CS. Also, i've never liked 3D rpgs, the characters look too soulless compare to 2D, besides such games become a gamers' cesspool.

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Ys 8.


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There have been way more instances of ha ha than 22. They just put a space in between the ha's in the first game.

BoF 3
Absolute kino jrpg

Playing through Tales of Symphonia. 3h in and it's not that great.

>hating Karn

I can't get through CS2. It's so fucking cringe the way everyone cares about Rean.
Crossbell was peak kino to be followed by such garbage. Maybe the English dub makes it worse idk

I'm on my NG+ playthrough. Karol's Japanese voice is shit.

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>Overall it's probably still the best trails game so far because unlike the others it constantly gets better and better until the climax

Oh man just wait until you play Ao.

>Maybe the English dub makes it worse

It always does, XC1 notwithstanding.

I'm waiting for Trials of Mana to be sold in my country.
I blame corona.

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