The Stanley Parable is on sale, 2$ on Steam

The Stanley Parable is on sale, 2$ on Steam.
Is worth playing?

I have heard of it as a walking simulator that deconstructsvideogame narrative or so... is it?

Anyway, what do you think about it

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's basically Stranger than Fiction without the romance fused with Icey's take on video game narration. It's quite enjoyable (if a little repetitive to enter other routes) and very much just walking around, with great voice acting and humour.

$2 is a great price.

More an experience than a game, but it's a good experience. $2 is a good value for it, considering how old it is

If you're interested in vidya narrative and how it works then it's great fun.
But if you're more interested in an interesting story, good characters or gameplay then avoid.

I liked it, a bit of fun for about 2 hours, but not something I'd play again for years.

I was high when I first played this and almost had an anxiety attack when I got the infinite looping route

It's basically the same joke for 2 hours in a row.

I don't think you'll get much out of the "deconstruction" unless this is one of your first ever experiences with the idea of metanarrative, but it still boils down a funny and well-directed series of interactive gags. For $2 it's worth it.

You don't come to Yas Forums for actual advice, even if it's about 2 dollars

Yeah its what I heard then. An experiment more than a game in the classic sense, like an indie movie. Im supposed to be into arts, that shit is for me.
Finally gonna have an use for the 35 cents I struggled to save by selling CSGO cases

I enjoyed it, I just completed it a few times then mopped up all the endings
Cool game but everyone here is gonna spout shit about reddit anyway

it's this cheap because the ULTRA DELUXE version is coming "soon"

I know this is ShitpostFest, alright, its just im quarantined and bored.
The most narrative "edgy" game I played was Braid; I have started Pathologic but I'm taking my time because I looked at guides and looks dense as fuck

>don't come to Yas Forums for actual advice
He just got 5 varied but accurate responses and a harmless drug post before you even posted.

Yas Forums is a perfectly fine place for advice and discussion about videogames, you just don't come to Yas Forums for actual advice unless you're smart enough to tell when someone's full of shit and can put up with popular game threads always being ruined.

Because its a niche game or so. If I asked "hey guys should I buy FFVII R.." it would go downhill in 0.002 seconds.

Also, I havent been here for a year or so, why the fuck is everybody obsessing with trannies suddenly?

i need therapy
i dont remember buying it

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>The Cringely Parable
Never played this SJW garbage but it's already been BTFO

You'd still get some good answers even about major releases of flavour of the month topics. You just need to use reading comprehension, facts and common sense to figure out which one's are worth listening to.

>why the fuck is everybody obsessing with trannies suddenly?
The exact same reason people have been complaining about things for years, they're all bored idiots.

stop shilling your fucking channel in here you semenslurping faggot cakeboy

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It's one of those walking sims with self-aware ironic hipster humor, if you're into that sort of thing then enjoy.

just ignore the shitposts and lazy "game bad" posters that don't explain why and wait for the anons that actually want to talk about videogames

I can't believe how some people on Yas Forums are filtered by TSP and think it's a "SJW" or "hipster" game

I thought it was pretty boring and full of itself with its humor.

Nigga, are you expecting me to watch all that drivel? Fuck outta here with your eceleb, retard. Nobody cares.

Remember those 35 cents?
I just DOUBLED that money in NO TIME!
Want to know HOW?

Attached: Sin título.png (156x74, 8.25K)

If you look around, you will see that everything where trannies are involved will eventually turn into shit. Many of them are psychos who get off to the idea of attaching l attacking others for insignificant bullshit they made up, whole they are enjoying the immunity to all obligations and persecutions that society has bestowed upon them. They are mostly mentally ill people, and you are supposed to play along and consider their condition normal, for if you don't, it will come back to bite you in the form of being canceled.

The 99% I have heard of trannies, their stuff, evillness, bbeing good or bad or whatever, was in these boards. Nothing in real life, almost nothing in news or other sites. If gays are the 5% of the populations, these people are like 0.5%. And somehow this means the foundation of the modern civilization are trembling.

Its worth pirating.

When you're addicted to rage you constantly need fresh targets

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I don't support censorship

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Never pay more than $0 for a Video Game.

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Just imagine what you could have achieved with 35 million cents