Literally not a single good space game in existence
Literally not a single good space game in existence
Other urls found in this thread:
Kerbal Space Program is good enough
Freelancer, Freespace.
Death stranding
What's your definition of "space game"? FTL is good of course
I like Elite Dangerous.
Just gotta not visit any sort of player forum, and it's a great time.
Nightfire final mission was pretty great.
Nice thread OP, totally proved everyone wrong.
What's good about it? Did they add some actual gameplay? When it released, it was just a boring space trucker with the occasional convoluted combat shit after you've space trucked enough to buy a combat ship. Game was putting me to sleep. I was hoping they'd come out with the update that lets you explore each space station but uninstalled ages ago and stopped caring.
>Eve Online
>Kerbal Space Program
>Space Engineers
>Space Station 13
>Star Conflict
>fucking Space Engineers again
>Meeple Station (and hundreds of other "build a space station/colony building games)
and thats without having to stretch for the usual shilled bullcrap like E:D and Scam Shitizen.
>Eve online
holy shit no, let it die dude.
>buttmad capital pilot of lv4 mission babby detected
stay salty
X2 and X3 are pretty good.
Yeah, there's plenty of content. A little while ago, rewards were rebalanced so that pretty much any activity is financially viable. Combat, Trading, Missions, Mining, Exploration, etc. However, if the game was outti g you to sleep before, I don't think you'll have a much different experience. At its core, it's still the same game, it just tweaked to make the player feel a little more gratified.
was tintin supposed to be homosexual
Yes, just like OP.
Dead Space, Alien Isolation etc.?
Go play Outer Wilds.
Is that the head of the fucking ylyl just under his space suit dick compartment?
The what?
The ylyl banana from b
idk what about Astroneer? I'm not sure how much better No Mans Sky has gotten. I just wanna feel like a space scientist like all the dead ones you find at the outposts in Mass Effect side quests
lurk moar
you laugh you lose
Worse, belgian
I know about ylyl threads, but the entire post doesn't make any sense to me
Freelancer, Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw
Good games but taking place in space and being a space game are different(?)
>dick pouch spacesuit
Wtf is wrong with the french
Herge is spaniard, you retard
he's belgian you mongoloids
What would you define as a good space game, user? Both your wildest dreams, and something that's realistic/doable. I'm interested to know.
I just want adventures in space.
its also fucking shopped you retard