Pyra is blushy-crushy just for Mr. Rex

Pyra is blushy-crushy just for Mr. Rex

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everything I see on Yas Forums about this game makes it look like the cringiest of weebshit, but everywhere else it looks like the world and combat is solid, wtf?

Too bad I don't care about Pyra. Mythra is superior.

It's because Yas Forums's lifeblood is shitposting, so they take the cringiest parts especially out of context and try to spin it like the entire game was like that. The hilarious thing is that these shitposters still fail because Yas Forums loves the game despite their efforts.

Except.....most Xenoblade fans hate this whom played from the previous titles. Most of the praise were either coomers or their first Xenoblade game was Xenoblade 2.

where's blushy crushy morag?

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It's one of those games that does a decent balance between fucking stupid weebshit and HOLY FUCK THIS IS AMAZING weebshit. The final 3 chapters of the game, especially if you've played anything of Xenoblade 1 (I played like the first half of the story), just start drip feeding you amazing content and it's an absolute wild ride. Coincidentally this is also when the Combat gives you MOST of the shit to play it.

The first two chapters are okay, and then it just becomes a pretty shitty slog in the middle imo. Right when the combat picks up, they kickstart the story and it really gets going good.

If it means anything, I could never finish Xenoblade 1 because the combat was so fucking bad and it didn't matter how interesting the story was (but I didn't care much for the characters besides Reyn and Dunban, basically everybody else was annoying like Riki and/or forgettable like Sharla), the combat is so fucking bad in Xenoblade 1 that it's basically unplayable unless you seriously like everquest-tier tab target.

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But user i played xenosaga and x prior and xc2 is better than both

It wasn't that bad really, I got the most fun out of it when I switched to controlling Melia and discovered how powerful she is if you use her correctly, because they AI doesn't do that.

i have half a mind to get this shit but i hated XC1s shitty MMO combat and looking at rex makes me want to stab my eyeballs
what the fuck is his outfit

On the contrary, I found XB1's combat to be perfectly fine. You can hop straight in without needing to wait chapters on end for things to gain a semblance of flow. We're going to keep having this discussion, but it's an overly subjective thing. I just hate how some people make it sound like one game or the other has absolutely shit, or absolutely amazing combat. There are no in betweens, and most of these arguments are biased attempts to downplay one game over the other. It's tiring.

>what the fuck is his outfit
It's part of a diving suit, he is a salvager.

If you generalize the combat down to "MMO" without even giving real criticism as to what parts of it specifically made you hate it, you might as well dodge the series. Fundamentally, they all have that inspiration.

Shit localization

I dunno, I kinda had the opposite experience for XC2. Combat really didn't get exciting for me until like the 7th chapter or so, and the cast took a really long time to grow on me, beyond Zeke, Nia, and Poppi. Gacha was an abysmal feature that stopped me from making my teams the way I wanted them to be, and I was pretty distant from the story until Rex lost Pyra in general. I missed the more distinct character roles that the first game had, and the arts in general across characters were too similar. I didn't start to appreciate the game more until like, last year.

>Ontos's true name, with more meaning behind it, "Ousia" got localized for no real reason
>Pope being changed to Praetor
>Heaven to Elysium
>God to Architect
>Vatican to Praetorium
>Metsu to Malos, which literally just means bad
>All the random European names for the Titans, and characters, when they could stuck with Latin at the least
Into the trash it goes

I have a pretty high tolerance for weeb content, I watch anime, read manga and play japanese games. But harem shit where a bunch of insanely hot girls are all mad horny for some clueless nothing main character is just too pathetic for me to stomach.

Porn is fine, hentai is fine. I don't care how degenerate anyone gets. But doing this crap in a normal SFW story is just so bizarre and stupid, I literally don't get it. Just fucking masturbate.

>Just fucking masturbate.
That's not how it works.

Luckily for me i know just enough japanese to understand some of the stuff they actually say and not the retarded shit the NoA put.

one of my pet peeves in animu and manga, can't read a fucking modern series without that shit being shoehorned in. they did it to fucking goblin slayer of all things, like come the fuck on.

Its almost as if it sounds cool to a jap but boring as hell and too fucking on the nose for a westerner who is familiar with western style religions.

It's clear Nintendo attempts to control treehouse only go as far as visuals, they have nobody overseeing them to prevent text or dialogue censorship. Look at the shit they pulled with the animal crossing character creation.

it's just crass coommercialism. they'll introduce a fucking 50 year old Impa type character as a one-off single episode plotrunner, and then right at the end she'll have a completely ridiculous little internal "damn that 14 year old protagonist sure is hot, I'm secretly pining for him" moment for the sole purpose that some desperate virgin might waifu this total write off character and they can merch it in the future.

I can handle harems but only when the dude has some special power that makes him desirable enough that girls are willing to share, stuff like DxD or late game xenoblade 2


And everythng suffers from the harem shit because not a single relationship will form in the party because all of the women must be available for the main character and lust over him
Its really pathethic that weebs cant see all the problems that these stupid cliches create and defend them because they are coomers

Moe moe kyun is really only slightly better

>not posting a dog mode.

Oh man, trading one fetish for another...what a horrible change

NoE, not A. Those are real Welsh etc. accents for a reason.

Honestly it is pretty funny how much weirder that scene is localized. Went from a kemomimi dog girl roleplay to Poppi acting like an actual dog on a leash.

It's almost as if the localization was poor, and you're trying to justify bad translation by saying "dude it wasn't cool enough lol"

You must be fun at parties